Tigard Oregon

Tigard in action

I finally made it to Tigard Oregon’s new park. It’s rad. Quirky, but fun. It was a total zoo there because the weather was nice, but it was still a blast. A few BMX guys were getting bent out of shape by some perceived snaking, but it was really just a case of too many people and too much going on to keep tabs on everyone. If you bring a bag into the park, a city ordinance says the cops can search it. I’m not sure how the ACLU feels about that. So that weird double level coping setup that looks like it’s a big mistake is actually a lot of fun. You’re free to ignore the top layer if you want, but you also have the option of figuring out multiple lines that incorporate it. Lip tricks on the top layer look rad in combination with a roll in or lip trick on the lower layer. It’s set up in such a way that you don’t have to be Joe-pro skater to use that top layer, but if you are then more power to you. I didn’t get a lot (OK, any) shots in the wide open area. I was more interested in skating there my first day, so I made my photo opps as quick as possible. More after the jump.

Tigard Oregon pics from 10-21-07

Most popular phrase heard while at Tigard: “I’m going to Holly Farm.”

Second most popular phrase: “I just came from Holly Farm.”

Click to enlarge Steve Grover, the floating.. er, floater.
Steve Grover - Tigard Oregon

Carl Jorgensen ollies the gap off the back of the dinosaur onto the tight tranny wall. This was a bitch to shoot. Because I’m on the edge of the coping, I had to hold on to the dinosaur while leaning back, and the dinosaur would block my view of Carl’s approach, so it was hard to get the timing.
Carl Jorgensen - Tigard Oregon

Alternate shot. See, that’s Michael from the Skateboard Archives. This would have the shot if he hadn’t been there, but I didn’t notice him until too late. However, I can’t get bent out of shape because I was actually snaking his photo opportunity. I was standing along side him earlier and caught Carl’s board with my jaw (still hurts!) once when he bailed. I decided to crawl into the gap to prevent that from happening and get out of Michael’s way.
Carl Jorgensen - Tigard Oregon

Another alternate shot, trying to get more of the dinosaur in.
Carl Jorgensen - Tigard Oregon

Clay - Tigard Oregon

More Clay
Clay Clay - Tigard Oregon

Marek Litinsky, ollie from lower coping up to rock and roll slide on the upper hip.
Marek Litinsky - Tigard Oregon

Clay had a million variations here… Tail grab.
Clay - Tigard Oregon

Andy - Tigard oregon

Bails and out of frame shots

Here’s a better composed but over exposed probable bail shot of Andy.
Andy - Tigard oregon

Carl looking like he’s going to bail. I couldn’t see from behind the lens though. He might have ridden out to some degree. In any case, it gives you an idea of how high up on the wall he was trying to land.
Carl Jorgensen - Tigard Oregon

Tom Miller, SPS big wig and staff member for the next Mayor of Portland… I wasn’t paying attention when he came by, but I flung the camera up at the last second. I couldn’t get a repeat performance out of him.
Tom Miller - Tigard Oregon

Ben Wixon obscured by the last second movement of someone on the deck of the extension.
Ben Wixon - Tigard Oregon

Steve Grover, about to lose it. Of course I didn’t get the one he made.

Steve grover - Tigard Oregon

Sick of Carl yet?
Tigard Oregon

No? OK, sick of Clay yet?
Clay - Tigard


42 thoughts on “Tigard in action

  1. Sorry, I know this is sort of off-topic, the search sign at Tigard is really intersting to me. The ACLU cites Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 9 when referring to searches: Unreasonable searches or seizures. No law shall violate the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable search, or seizure; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath, or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or thing to be seized.

  2. Sweet pictures, by the way.

  3. Yeah, nice shots, as always!

    Sorry to hear about the jaw, taking one for the team!

  4. One more millisecond on the shutter and I would have captured the jaw cracking fame. I bet it still hurts!! Luckily you didn’t loose a toothe! We should be shooting in football helmets at all times…lol
    GREAT shots btw!! I bet it is a ZOO there today

  5. JAKEFERRANTI on October 22, 2007 - Reply

    Sick photo’s!! Cant wait to hit that park(dry).
    I knew t-rex would serve his purpose as soon as I saw the photos.

  6. Cool park but it’s a damn ZOO…so crowded. The bowl is super fun and has a lot of lines and cool features. I really like the double transition wall. I think the “street” area is a little bit wack…walls are too big for most people and too much flat but that’s just me.

  7. Mike, what were you shooting? There are some odd colors in your shots. Is that filtering?

  8. houseofneil on October 23, 2007 - Reply

    I love the Skate and Annoy deck that Grover is riding. That is sooo rad. Randy??

  9. Lets find out what commitee, what inbicle is trying to shut down our rights when they thought up this rule. Sometimes it takes someone to sue the city because they are stepping out of bounds. This is not a NAZI state yet. Lets send somebody some hate mail!

  10. Yea your right dude : I looked up some info for ya and we should get on it. The Tigard Parks Managers name is Daniel Plaza thats daniel@tigard-or.gov ph 503-639-4171 ext 2590
    or rich carlson rich@teleport.com his # is 503-224-0871
    Lets hear it from them. I know it’s sacred ground and everything but this is still ORegon.If you want your rights taken away just cause you choose to skate then complain!!

  11. houseofneil Love that deck? Here it is. Link

    P.S. No War! No KKK! No Fascist USA!

  12. No way I called the “mr plaza” and he said they decided to have the “Search and give up all your rights rule ” as a tool for the cops to cobat crime. Yea right . remember the cop shop next door? give me a break, what’s next search your car just because we pull up to skate. Wait that already happens. That called Skateboard profile-ing. Things must change. just when we thought things were getting better. Oh yea did you see the one that said no beverages of any kind. They will be doing their illegal searches and finding water and busting our thirsty little kids. what a joke

  13. Sounds like the city of Tigard was just moved to OR from CA. The required pads and pad nannies will be moved in next.

  14. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Based on Mr. Plaza’s response to b-sidelocal, it looks like skateboarder equals criminal. Don’t those rules make you feel like your tax dollars are well spent. Facism – it’s the new black.

  15. When I go to work, I forfeit my car to search according to the guide for employee conduct. I doubt it’d happen unless I showed up on drugs, but still! I get depressed in morning rush hour traffic when I look in my rearview mirror and see my “DEVO WAS RIGHT” sticker on the back window.

  16. I killed dinosaurs rex?

  17. Hey. Re: consent to search granted by walking into the park.

    Anybody use a magnifying glass to burn ants? Well, as you know, the more directed and concentrated the light, the hotter it is.

    Likewise, in order for this to be effectively managed, we (skaters) need to ensure we collect ourselves into one voice. So the question is: is this “voice” coming from Skate and Annoy, or can we do it from over at SPS? I’m not wanting to step on any toes, but I want to make sure we don’t look like a 10,000 headed impotent dragon. Which skaters are super good at.

    I contacted Tigard and they confirmed that they have a “guideline” that associates walking into the park and remaining within with a consent to search by law enforcement.

    At issue is whether or not this is constitutional, and not just within the context of the Oregon constitution. To help, I’ve requested specific info relating to the sign, and if all traffic is directed past the sign, or are there alternate entrances, etc.

    We’re actively researching this, and have solicited legal resources, but are loathe to get too specific about what’s up our sleeves. You probably understand.

    So…can you help by kicking us some specific info? To begin, is someone here already acting as a focal point for this issue?

    To follow, rumor has it someone contacted the ACLU? If so, who is this person, and how do we get in touch with them?

    Things like that. Thanks.

  18. Tigard’s Risk Manager concedes via email that “regardless of what’s posted on the sign, law enforcement still requires probable cause to search your personal effects.”

    Still, the false and misleading language on the sign still exists. I believe the intent is to capitalize upon the ignorance of an already marginalized set of the public to capitalize upon the statistically false assumption that skateparks = crime.

    The language must go. Law enforcement does not have this right, without probable cause. The question remains: who is focal point?

  19. The ACLU branch in Oregon has a telephone number of 503-227-3186. I’m sure they’d be happy to talk to you about it (I’d love to call, but I’m trying to look busy to the boss.) I thought it would be preferable to speak to Portland Copwatch. While not as universally well-known or taken as seriously as the ACLU, it does highlight the rights of the individual from a community-based perspective. They tend to be more radical… they are also terrible at replying to e-mail. Anyway, as a Copwatch sidenote, there is no way I will post a “NO WARRANT, NO ENTRY” sign at my front door anytime soon. I know when I’m invitin’ trouble, and that kind of trouble I don’t need, son!

  20. Kent – Nobody here is acting as a figurehead in any capacity. The SnA “staff” just wanted to hype it in hopes that ultimately someone or some organization would take it upon themselves to do it in a mature and effective fashion. Also, a little heat from the less articulate might be effective as well. I’ve been spouting off about the ACLU in hopes that someone over there might pick it up from a Google alert or some other means. Skate and Annoy would be happy to steer interested parties towards whatever efforts are going on at SPS, or help in other ways. Shoot me an email if you want to hash it out.

  21. If you don’t mind, I’ll take this up. I’m into it; it represents a break in the routine of the same old skatepark BS we normally see. BMX, NIMBY, SNORE SNORE SNORE

    We’ve readied ourselves, so at this point are only wondering how willing you’all are to participating at the grass-roots level.

    For example, the municipality has attempted to profit at the expense of the public’s ignorance regarding their rights to privacy and illegal search and seizure. They need us (that’s all of us) to help them understand their rights so they aren’t taken advantage of.

    What if I printed up 1000 cards containing some basics regarding individual rights, and got them to a few of you, and from there you distribute them to kids? Better, can someone help me get some stickers made, so we can attach them to boards, for easy reference? Who has those resources? Also: t-shirts with the following language:

    The following language is important: “I do not consent to search” and the question: “am I being detained?” are critical. If they you are not being detained, then you are free to walk away. You do not have to give your name, and retain a right to silence.

    We’re working on a plan to help Tigard remember their role as serving the public. Let’s hope they get the message. This could be done painlessly, but I believe they need to be taught a lesson they remember, giving them pause next time they seek to capitalize upon the ignorance of an already marginalized citizenry.

    Thanks to all who have responsibly participated.

  22. Yes! by all means, please do!

    STICKERS: I’ll see that they get made. I’m taking donations. As soon I get $50 (I’m putting in $10) I’ll have 500 made. I’ll set up a donate button via paypal. Kent, send me the information that you want on them.

    Public service announcement brought you by SnA and SPS?

    They will even look good enough to stick on your board, I’ve already mocked up the “Know your rights” Clash graphics. I’ll replace the handgun with a skateboard.

  23. Order me 10 shirts please. 5 large 3 medium and 2 small. I’ll be checking the SPS site now for some more feed back. I know who deep throat is. I CANNT WAIT THE THE GRAND OPENING. Yea KENT lets get focused on this one.

  24. There’s a possibility that the Northwest Constitutional Law Center may want to get involved. They are awesome.

    Kilwag: can we work together on a design for a sticker that contains the pertinent language? From that design comes t-shirts. What do you think? White, with bold black letters?

    You guys are awesome.

  25. I would totally love to make small zines to contribute.

  26. Rock ‘n roll, you guys. I’m in for sticker donation, t-shirt, card distribution, etc. Let us know what needs to be done. I think it’s incredible that the Tigard city council (or whoever passed the ordinance) thought that they could get away with this in terms of its constitutionality. They would never have considered it if it were a new tennis court or baseball field, but they thought nothing of profiling skaters this way and implementing something like this. Rule #3 will go.

  27. errr… Yes. We are awesome!

  28. […] at the Tigard Skatepark(click on the above picture for a detailed view). There has been a lot of discussion about this rule over the last few days within the local skate community. It’s understandable that the City of […]

  29. The skateboarders are revolting!

  30. Babylon is burning!

  31. Well, smoldering maybe. Hey, I hadn’t noticed the “All activities may be monitored by video cameras” part until now. Think SnA could hook into this so we could check to see if it’s wet or too crowded before heading down there? Let’s put that thing to good use. Every park should have a live webcam…

  32. Who wants to attend a city council meeting in Tigard? I believe we need T-shirts, with “I do not consent to search” and “am I being detained?” printed. Lots of people, but one or two sharp and effective voices, rather than a mob.

    It’s critical that we don’t chatter on like a mob. You and I know what statistics support: skateparks are NOT crime havens, and as such this policy is as unnecessary as it is unconstitutional.

    We need to remind them that the policy is unnecessary, backed by statistics, else we look like some unruly mob, and any goodwill earned in the media could backfire. Follow?

    Skateparks aren’t crime havens, and are not dangerous. The rule is not necessary. And, yes: it’s misleading as it pertains to individual rights.

    Let’s get a head count, and get some stickers/shirts. Anyone know how we can kick a donation over to Kilwag for his work? Kilwag?

  33. Please read the back page of this tri-fold flier. This is the sort of thing we need to get into the hands of skaters at the park.


  34. Dammit. Let me try and hyperlink it:



  35. Jaymeer.info on October 25, 2007 - Reply

    I just like the idea of a shirt w/ your rights and the

  36. i grew up in tigard,as i can tell you their presence(cops)
    was usually some sort of harasment,they started wearing
    paramilitary outfits sometime around 1990 .as for your rights tigard has already taken them.just ask any high schooler out there that looks different.

  37. cant wait to skate it though, red is the best thing to come
    out of tigard and he sure designed a hell of a good lookin park!as always

  38. enemy combatant on October 29, 2007 - Reply

    The Tigard cops are a bunch of fascist pigs. And so is their corrupt city council. Fuck Tigard, I’ll never skate there.

  39. oh no!!!! enemy combatant won’t skate tigard!!! city council is calling a special meeting to figure out how to deal with this new crisis!!!

  40. enemy combatant on October 29, 2007 - Reply

    You gotta draw the line somewhere. I don’t even like going inside the city limits. Tigard is for a-holes.

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