Go to bed
When I first got a copy of Wire’s Pink Flag album I was hypnotized. The music was unlike any of their punk contemporaries, but it still made perfect sense to a kid in the suburbs of Chicago in the mid-80’s. It was kind of like the missing link for me. Minimal, but incredibly rich at the same time. Catchy but abrupt and confrontational. Discovering music used to be a much more sensual experience. It required considerably more effort than it does today. After buying a record I would usually pour over every minute detail of the artwork while listening to the turntable. It was an experience that deserved my full attention. When you were in a cultural desert like the suburban Midwest was, you savored every morsel you got. The back cover of Pink Flag has fake biological data about the band, and one of the things I couldn’t get past was the drummer’s name, Robert Gotobed. Everyone else had regular enough sounding names, so was Gotobed a goof or what? Anyway, it fascinated me. I desperately wanted to meet him – remember, cultural desert… Others have waxed on about Wire much more articulately than I am apparently capable of, so just do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Pink Flag. Or if you want, you can buy some expensive skateboard-themed bedding.
[Source: Pulama Project]
Skateboard Bedding from Vision Bedding
Vision Bedding is surprisingly, not related to Vision Street Wear. $50 buys you one (yes, only one!) pillow cover, and $300 buys you a duvet cover, AKA giant pillow case for your comforter. These guys have all your other Extreme!&trade sleeping needs covered too.
Skateboard Bedding Contintued…
The skateboarding craze of days gone by has erupted again in full force and the evidence is visible on railings and curbs and side streets everywhere. Whether they are grinding it out on the nearest available surface or coasting along the city streets, today’s youth have joined the skating scene with a passionate obsession. Must-have skating gear includes logo t-shirts, just-the-right-shoes, and now, even bedding!
This one is called, simply “Skateboard Art”
Show off your charisma and skater style with this bedding ensemble. A display of color and flare while keeping the skateboard theme, this bedding design will bring attention to any bedroom.
Here we have “Moon Skater.”
An excellent choice for the little skateboarder in your life. Colors are an easy fit into most bedrooms.
As for “Skateboard Flip”:
The perfect heel flip well we wont go that far, but it just might be the perfect bedding for a skateboarder. Real life picture clarity, allows this bedding ensemble to capture the skating moment.
And of course, “Skater Boy.” Can you imagine how bummed this kid is going to be once he finds out what that release form he signed has gotten him into?
This skater graphic is a digital blur for added picture enhancement. It gives a “cool” feel to the overall bedding design.
And lastly, “Skateboard Art 2,” where they pulled out all the creative stops and you know, went for it. Totally.
A splash of new color from Skateboard Art bedding design. “Were always trying to please everyone!”
I feel so ridiculous for not clicking on your links and just assuming you were talking about Black Fag. I think it’s the Pink-Fag thing. Oh well. I’ll check them out!
Give me your old sweaty punk rock shirts and I’ll make a pillowcase for only six beerz, yo. Maybe for free, I love my sewing machine. $50 is outrageous! That bedding sucks! My old Melvins “Stoner Witch” pillow I made for a friend is way better. I wonder if rather than counting sheep those sheets make you cound kickflips?
Pink Flag is one of my favorite albums of all time. The song 12XU covered by Minor Threat is from that album as is the song Three Girl Rhumba that Elastica is accused of ripping off for their song Connection
Oh, and that bedding sucks.
I believe Elastica had to make some sort of settlement for that.
Crap! I forgot to make this joke:
As soon as I move out of my (pick one) parent’s or girlfriend’s house I am totally going to get those sheets as a symbol of my individuality, Like Nicholas cage in Wild at Heart.
Come on, couldn’t you see bringing a foxy chic (or your lady) back to your pad and trying to score with this on your bed?
perhaps every i dream i can do anything tricks
uh… yeah…. if there has to be skateboard ‘bedding’ art, why the run of the mill stuff? where are the women skaters? the art work? the soul?