The other “X” games
Exotic Magazine can be found in strip clubs in the Portland area (or so I ‘ve been told, if my wife asks.) It’s pretty much an excuse to advertise strip clubs, lingerie and fetish wear, and about two pages of articles. They have a cover girl who is featured in the centerfold calendar of all the adult events for the month. The September 2007 issue appears to have been shot at a very famous skate spot in Portland. I for one, want to protest the way in which the skater in the photograph is objectified and robbed of his identity by not showing his head, as if he is just a piece of meat. It really burns me up inside.
[Source: Sleestak]
Pdxblackbook.com took the photos. Victoria is the model. On some other forums folks have said she looks a bit mannish like that episode of Sienfeld where his date has man hands. Skateboarder and “mystery mural” artist are not credited, and I’m not sure if they want to be.
I didn’t know Union Jacks had a skate club. I wonder if you get a membership card and tube socks with that.
Also in this issue is a stand alone advert for the Union Jack’s club, where the model dances. Our web hosting company and our desire to remain off the content blocking filters prohibits us from showing you the uncensored version. If you feel like you need to get all the details you should download the issue or see it in real life at Union Jack’s, I suppose.
thats Lil John.
Poor Victoria. It must be really hard keeping your pween tucked back all night. Oh skateboards, up yours!
hey.. shot it…
This was a great shoot considering all the obstacles we had to overcome let alone the model breaking her arm as the skater slammed into it. No one’s fault just was dark and alcohol was pouring. Had I had it my way, being an old schooler from back in the day (sims pure juice wheels and gull wing trucks) I’d have had it a bit more organized and less imbibed. Again for what it’s worth the images came out much better than I had anticipated and yah I was bummed that we couldn’t get the “piece o’ meat” skaters face in it as well! This was fully explained to the skater at the time of the shoot as we went through the images on the dig cam.
Shoot and Annoy
ha. you rode gullwings.
just want to ask wt make ppl spent there time watching sex and never try to do it