Lupe Fiasco – Kick Push
Hip hop skateboarders? Now I’ve seen everything. No seriously, I think this guy does a better job than most singing about skateboarding without making it sound silly.
Remember this one from Skate Rock Volume One? The Only Ones: (Oops, Minus One thanks Neil. This post is just a total abortion. From now on I stay well away from anything having to do with rap music.)
Do you remember the legend of Black man? (Rat man?)
He rode his board like a total madman.
In the pool he was spinning 360s
The others sketched but for him it was easy.
Why was he spinning 360s in a pool? Embarassing.
Here’s Lupe:
He said, I would marry you
but I’m engaged to these aerials and varials
and I don’t think this board is strong enough to carry two.
Of course his girlfriend skates and doesn’t need a lift, she takes him to a spot where they get kicked out again by security.
A street skating video really, but the descriptions of skating are ambiguous enough to appeal to anyone. I though the video was interesting visually Not a lot of amazing skating, a couple of good ollies, a treflip maybe? Not really my kind of thing musically but it’s not bad for a mellow tune and I though some of the songwriting was clever. There, I said it, I’ll probably have to learn Smith Grinds as penance if I want to stay in the gang.
You’re fired.
Oh, good. Now I’ll have more time to hang with my crew. they ain’t no punks, in they Spitfire shirts and they SB Dunks.
I saw this guy in a magazine. Guess he can skate (360 flip out of car)
is that a penis he’s got on his shirt …?
I dont care if he skates…that sucks. He and his rhymes are like a bad parody of marketable teen angst.
Damn it, Kilwag already posted about this. Somehow I missed a lengthy post about rap and skateboarding.
holy shit dude. It was Minus One who sang “The Kids Don’t Skate Here” on the first Thrasher tape, not The Only Ones, who were one of the finest bands to come out of the 76 punk explosion.
this is old and who ever posted the other video, yeah that was a switch tre flip. only rapper ive seen do one.