
15 thoughts on “Wise guy

  1. So hanging onto skating means not trying new things?

    Ollies since ’86. Kickflips since ’89. Desperately trying to hang on them both and my youth, while trying to skate everything.

  2. butt buddy on August 30, 2007 - Reply

    you aint rideing any pools…

  3. butt buddy on August 30, 2007 - Reply

    skateparks are more like it…

  4. New? I learned to ollie in 1979. Oh, you mean on flat ground.

  5. I knew this would elicit a response from Welsh Pete!

  6. When you’re as old as MC just dropping in every day is a new trick.

  7. You gonna take that MC?

  8. Oh sorry, real ollies are done on vert, I forgot… All I was saying is, maybe one can be a grown man and continue to broaden one’s skate horizons.

  9. I try to approach every tail drop like it

  10. Wow, questioning one another’s manhood. Never progress. Look at DP for cryin’ out loud. Same bag of tricks since forever. Still rips though and that is all that matters.

  11. i been doing the same 360 flyout since 1978

  12. you guys do understand that your just as stubborn as the kids are right? you say learn to ride tranny , but when the tables turn look out . skateboardings skateboarding , skate it all .

  13. Well, there are still a lot of vert tricks I never learned or haven’t done in years or never made consistently: Eggplant, invert to fakie, Miller Flip, Lien to tail, McTwist, blunts, backside boneless, backside ollie, pivot to fakie, method air, tailslides, lipslides, Smith grinds… So who has time to learn to skate a rail?

  14. Yea, it’ll take years to learn the McTwist blunt alone…

  15. you can take a skater to a ledge . but you cant make him skate .
    i found for myself that one aspect of skating can give insight to another . i cant imagine trying blunt slides or even standing up on frontside grinds , without learning them on street first .

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