ur so hot!

Wii like Dead Rappers

OMG! UR SO HOT! The blogosphere is on fire with hottest skateboards on the web this week – the Dead Rappers series from Jeremy Fish and a soon to be released Wii controller-looking board from Black Market, a company that seems to be doing a second rate impersonation of World Industries circa 91. Actually, this Wii deck is BM’s best work to date. A bunch of gaming sites are tittering all over it. Speaking of tittering, I just said BM!

[Source: Wii – Kotaku Dead Rappers – everyone]


11 thoughts on “Wii like Dead Rappers

  1. jeremy fish is straight awesomeness

  2. First Mama Cass now then the dude from the Fat Boys, who

  3. Where’s Big Punisher? That dude died of a heart attack at 24

  4. Fish, you should do a series with Henry Rollins, Pharrell and Avril Lavigne. Yeah, they ride ’em.

  5. SKull Skates Dead Guys board. ‘Nuff Said.

    Where’s Tupac? HE was in Digital Underground fer crissakes!

  6. And where’s Flavuh Flav’s deck! Oh, wait, he’s not dead yet? Are you sure?

  7. cold ones on August 31, 2007 - Reply

    What about Ronald Reagan? His album Rappin’ Ronnie was off the hook.

  8. EZ MOTHER FUKIN E??????????

  9. Those decks could be better if the bottom halves were made to look like 40s of Olde E.

  10. remember the rudy johnson fake i.d. OE 40oz deck from Blind in the early ’90’s. there is one in my basement I believe.

  11. dribnifrus on September 3, 2007 - Reply

    I’d rather be a 2nd rate impersonation of World Industries than all this shit in the skateboard industry today…WWRD..What would Rocco Do?

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