Trifecta Pro Battleground at Tobin's

Trifecta Pro Battle Ground at Tobin’s

Battle Ground’s pro event is going down right now at Tobin’s house. I’m not sure if it’s still World Cup sanctioned, but that’s where it’s going down. It’s a non-spectator event. Even if you get in you can’t see through the wall of riders to take pictures, so I’m sitting this one out boys, with my condolences to Tobin’s wife on this Sunday evening… The picture above is from one of the dig sessions in 2005.


3 thoughts on “Trifecta Pro Battle Ground at Tobin’s

  1. pretty big space…you have any pix of the final bowl? is it an old warehouse or something like that? in his backyard? LUCKY.

  2. Casey M. on August 12, 2007 - Reply

    Haha, that’s awesome, I’m curious how that turned out! Any results yet?

  3. jf – that’s a wide angle shot, it’s not big at all. It was an old garage or shop or something. I heard they used to work on Cessna engines there. It’s like a two and a half car garage.

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