Trifecta overkill day one: Lincoln City
Well here it is finally, the first of way too many pictures of the Oregon Trifecta. This is Lincoln City coverage. It’s a lot to digest. There are a lot of pictures included that probably shouldn’t have made the cut, but we figure people want to see more and not less. Right? They don’t all have to be Kodak moments if it’s someone you know. If you find it overwhelming then maybe you should wait for our “Best Of Gallery.” Until then, enjoy!
Check out: 2007 Oregon Trifecta – Lincoln City
Great shots.
Any Dorfus sightings over the weekend?
that kid Raven was so good, super smooth style. Thanks for the novmbr shot Randy.
Classic red style…Fuckin grey slide..Red has been doing this trick longer than you have been alive…i have seen him do this and swig jack straight from the bottle…
raven rips for a 14 year old. skated with him in santa cruz a few times, hes funny… all talking about his bedtimes and shit (now extended to 10pm!)
Ouch! Yeah, he had his blanky with him too.
but in all seriouslyness, the kid rips, his middle school drama is just entertaining
Thanks guys for patiently sitting out there all day to cover this stuff. It’s rad to see all the good, average, and accidental photos. Don’t ever change.
How did Nicole Suck get 2nd over Jodi Mcdonald…OH!!! She showed her perky little tits in her push up bra. Mcdonald and Sullivan were killing it with airs and all kinds of stuff. Nicole drops in with her push up bra and special tits and gets second with a few kick turns…that’s a bunch of shite!!!
nicole does have special tits. ask anyone!
i have to agree with Dick, nicole is still doing the same three tricks she was doing 7 yrs ago. It seems the only thing that has gotten bigger is her waist.
oh my god becky, did you see what see was wearing??? A Benatton shirt with gasp gap shorts!!! like, totally hellooooo gag me with a fork this is totally like 2007 not 1984!!!!1
The someone in the orange shorts is alex shannon.
Thats not why Nicole did better!Thats weak thinking,Nicole simply used the whole park and Jodie although Gnarlyer stayed in the bowl other than 1 lap thru snake.And Annie ,Amelia were steppin it up. I like Raven, great style and movement needs more tricks,not gonna get much candy in that bag at Halloween.Great to see Buck Smith again been awhile rippin still!!Duane still punker than Thou!Ngho use of park stylee!Love the power and action at Lincoln City, has Red all over it!Thanks Man!