Please go to the hospital

Please go to the hospital

Donavan came almost rode out of a couple of these whatever you call them, where he flies out of the shallow and pant his board on the back wall, then pops back into the bowl. Unfortunately, he hit his head pretty hard on his last attempt. The building had pretty much emptied out and not too many people saw it. He was having a hard time walking. His friends are planning on sticking with him and keeping him awake tonight. They say he won’t go to the hospital again without insurance. Hopefully he’ll be alright. Kids, wear a helmet and get insurance. Donavan, please go to the hospital.


7 thoughts on “Please go to the hospital

  1. Ah shit- dialing his # right now.

  2. He’s fine. I told him not to skate today and go see a movie. A day of rest and that kid is ready to skate.

  3. Ahhh. Thanks for the update. All I could think about was that guy who hit his head in a parking lot skating with his kid, and died three days later.

    He was super wobbly trying to get out of the bowl.

  4. aw shucks, the “denfather” comes to the rescue!

  5. jesse nelson on August 13, 2007 - Reply

    i talked talked to kevin who was with him all night… he’s ok… thankfully.

  6. Den-fajha!

  7. Donovan will you wear your helmet ? I really like to skate with you .

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