Let your little skater out
EA‘s upcoming skateboarding video game called Skate (Duh!) is being heralded as a Tony Hawk killer. Not the actual Tony Hawk, but his video game franchise… The idea that it will kill the franchise is slim to none. It could easily be better than the latest version of the Hawk-named game, but they’ll still milk make a few more because It’s firmly entrenched by now. This seems like a good a time as any to bring up Thrasher’s Skate and Destroy game, that unexpectedly fizzled. I mean, what a perfect product tie-in. The game was a good one too. It took a different approach from an art direction standpoint, going for a more stylized look than trying to emulate realism. They had a decent development studio behind it too. Maybe they were a little bit too early. Oh well, I guess everything Fausto touched couldn’t turn to gold.
I had kind of stopped collecting and chronicling current skateboarding video game commercials. They are just too prevalent now. This new one for Skate is pretty good though. It’s funny and features some name skaters acting on camera, and doing a good job of it too. The gist of it is that Danny Way’s thumb is becoming more famous for playing video games than Danny is for actually skating. The tagline is “Let your little skater out,” which is exactly the same euphemism Grover uses when he wants his wife to give him some action. “Come on baby, let my little skater out to have some fun!” Check it out. – Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip.
EA Skate Commercial
I met a dude skating at Seylynn and Metrotown in Vancouver who was working on this game. He told me about it last fall, and told me not to tell anyone about it. Gave a sweet description and was basically one of the most stoked dudes I’ve met at skateparks. He only told us about it because I was doing my first barefoot run with my (at the time) newly acquired Skate or Die tattoo on my feet.