Broken Kingpins (and other junk)
For those keeping track, and I’m guessing that’s about three other people, I’ve resurrected the Broken Kingpins column name in Skate and Annoy. This time around, instead of covering all the roster hopping and product release junk like we used to in our ancient print issues, I’m using it for all the miscellaneous links that don’t merit their own post. Besides, there are about a million other web sites that can tell you who has new shoe models and who got kicked off of what tour. [Photo: Denver Post / Andy Cross]
- The Denver Post on the great skateboarding helmet debate.
- United Press International: Shuffleboard courts become skateboard park
– Those damn teenagers! - Lehigh Valley Ramblings Nazareth Skateboarding Harassment Continues
Bernie O’Hare sticks up for little kids. - New West Tony Hawk Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me
In Missoula, an old guy Starts skating again, drops Wally Inouye’s name as an old acquaintance to get respect at the skateshop. As a kid his dad wouldn’t let him drive unless he quit skating, so he claims he couldn’t get laid til he quit in college. - The Californian: Lighting up longboards – Temecula man invents flashy skateboard accessory
The inventor of the LED riser pad who looks like the tall dude from Flight of the Concords. - Nollie.TV Nitika Chiquitas Girls Skateboarding Camp in Pardubice, Czech
More skateboard camps that feature breakdancing? Yes! - Peterborough Examiner Flipping tricks to understand tics
Second @$#!^ annual @#%!&! contest to benefit @#$*&%! Tourette syndrome - Channel 19 WLTX: Man Dies While Skateboarding with His Son
Somehow dies from head injury sustained from skateboarding in a parking lot with his son three days earlier. - Hampton Roads: It’s back to the ’90s for guys who took over their fave skate shop
Two guys loved an old skateshop (Flipside) so much they resurrected it. - Hampton Roads: Hundreds oppose skateboard park
Now that’s skate harassment!