Tony Hawk knows how to party (Like a six year old)
My son is about to turn two years old and he’s already obsessed with skateboarding. (Hmmm, I wonder why?) Seriously, one of the first 20 words out his mouth was “skateboard,” although pronounced as “sateboard.” I tried to make his first birthday celebration a small affair, but my wife nixed that idea, just as she’s vetoed all of my plans for sanity on his second birthday. While preparing for the over-celebration this year, she came across a mess of Tony Hawk’s Boom Boom Huck Jam birthday decorations and party favors. Yes, there’s more than just that excellent likeness of Tony on that cake topper.
Tony Hawk’s Boom Boom Huck Jam birthday decorations
There’s a catalog called Birthday Express put out by a company called Celebration Express. They have a whole page worth of skateboard related party items, about 80% of which is Tony Hawk themed. The web site doesn’t really have much of an enlarged view. I guess most people aren’t dorks concerned with the intimate details of their Tony Hawk party supplies.
Quite frankly, I’m disappointed by the lack of party favors for adults. Where are the Boom Boom Huck Jam shot glasses and beer helmets? What about the Bam Margera blow up dolls with lifelike orifices?
Click the page to enlarge. Links to the individual items are below.

And with a Tony Hawk bike all birthday stuff would be complete! Are they gonna make Tony Hawk PJs and a skateboard bed too? Or maybe a half pipe bed? At least I know that when I go to sleep at night my teeth will most likely be clean because I’ve got my Tony Hawk toothbrush.
I guess I’ve reached Tony Hawk merchandise saturation. ARF!
Actually, I’d place bets on seeing at least one of your bed ideas making it to market. look for it in Toy-R-Us.
I’m not even sure whats being marketed here…his name? his event? his awesome skateboard tricks? bmx bikes? skateboarding?
Eddie Elguera’s kids had a half-pipe bed, its in one of the h-street videos, maybe Hocus Pocus.
Has the porno industry made fun of hawk yet? TH’s Boom-Boom F— Jam. or TH’s Boom-Boom Butt Jam.
Of course the obvious marketing tie-in would be Tony Hawk
There are skateboarding sheets, towels, etc. out there currently. Ugh. I quit. I am going to take up croquet.
lots of articles anout Tony! Toni! Tone! lately….
Yesterday was Tony Hawk day.
i actually met tony a long time ago – right on the cusp of when he was blowing up… and he was super humble and kind of shell shocked at his popularity (I went to his house)
I’ve got to believe that none of this is actually him and it’s kinda out of his control – ie. i his family manages tonyhawk.com and i bet they’re all just going for it.
What trick is he doing on the 1/4 pipe/cake topper? Kind of a tweaked-out backwards layback air? A handplant facing the wrong direction? This has been bothering me since it first came up.
Oh, there was an interesting interview with Tony and Shawn White in Outside Magazine a couple months ago. They get into the subject of Tony’s commercialization and how Shawn is going about it differently, etc. “If I had to do it over again…things were different then…” Funny exchanges between them as well.
That’s pretty cool, but for me every birthday is Care Bears themed or I’m throwing a tantrum.
It is like they are saying happy birthday for me!
All I wanted for my birthday was to go skate.
I like that all their little birthday themes have thank-you cards. I have no idea where the world went wrong and thank-you notes, or any notes at all for that matter, went out of style. The Tony Hawk ones have sweet BMX action on them.