Tony Hawk plays Speed Racer
When it rains (Tony Hawk) it pours Tony Hawk. ABC’s “Fast Cars & Superstars: Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race.” premiered last night. I didn’t catch it and it’s not online at ABC.com yet, so I can’t say how much screen time Tony Hawk got, but he is one of the celebrities appearing in the show. Hopefully Tony drives better under the camera than Eddie Griffin. And speaking of Nascar promotions, Tony is also one of the celebrities designing Daytona 500 tickets that fans will ultimately decide whether or not to produce by voting in a poll. I’m guessing this is the last time they have a design contest, because Tony’s is actually one of the better ones. Some of these celebrities either had random small children do the design or spent a grand total of 30 seconds on the whole thing. It’s embarrassing for them, really. The artwork is being auctioned for charity and some of these guys didn’t put any effort into it. Anyway, the Speed Racer reference is just an excuse to post a picture of the new Mach 5 from the upcoming Speed Racer movie. I’ve been waiting for that car all my life. [Photos Clockwise: Tony Hawk from ABC, Tony Hawk’s ticket design for the 50th Daytona 500, and the Mach 5 from Warner Brothers Pictures.]
Tony Hawk’s ticket design for the 50th Daytona 500
Yeah, sorry I made you click through to see this, but it’s better than the majority of the others.
Geez, I guess he really is a crossover celebrity. This would have been absurd 10 years ago. Hosoi and Gator really blew it.
I hope they use an actual chimp in the Speed Racer movie, Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp style. Come to think of it, they should have skating chimps in the Boom Boom Huck Jam.
Lancelot Link, what a great show. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. Didn’t the linked article say that Wee Man was going to play Chim Chim in “Speed Racer”? Either that, or it’s going to be a real chimp. I can’t remember. I’m just psyched that it’s going to be a movie. But then, am I? Is this “let’s take a perfectly good 1) Comic, 2) TV Show, 3) Animated series, and make it into a Hollywood blockbuster” concept a good one? Sometimes yes (“Starsky and Hutch”, “V for Vendetta”), but generally no (everything else, but think “Scooby Doo” just for starters). “Speed Racer” (one of my absolute favorite shows growing up, along with “Ultra Man”) might just be well enough left alone, although the guys who made “V for Vendetta” are involved in “Speed Racer”, so maybe there’s hope. I don’t know what I’m saying anymore. I should go skating now.