
Midcal Skateboard Action

I am here at Mammoth Lakes right now, doing some things that shall remain undescribed for this skateboarding-focused crowd. In so doing I made it my mission to head over to the Volcom Brothers memorial skatepark today to get a session in. This park is O.K. I am a bit dissapointed in the finishing work (it’s moon-like) but the lines are fun once you get them figured out. It doesn’t seem like anybody really bothered to use any templates here.

There are a lot of kids. A lot of snowboarding-style kids, which can get annoying in a damn hurry. The sun is also in your face, so this is a great place to work on your Salba sunglasses tech.

This park is dedicated to the memory of Jeffy Anderson, a local Mammoth skater and pro snowboarder. I knew Jeffy. He made me read Dune, which was a pretty decent read. He was one of those kids who was always on his own program. The world seemed to move around him, and he was one of those people who you either got, or couldn’t get at all. He died a few years ago in a tragic accident in Japan, and this park was built in his memory. There is a sort of “walk of stars” of people who contributed to to the park effort, and on this walk are many people that I know.

I don’t know who Tina Klassen is, but I think that she and her family are very rad anyway based on this plaque (see photo below). When is the last time you saw somebody make a statement like this?

Bottom line: If you are in the area, make sure to stop by. I don’t know that I would go out of my way to skate this place.

Jeffy Anderson, rest in peace.




10 thoughts on “Midcal Skateboard Action

  1. i dunno if youre super duper spoiled from your 100s of Pac NW parks or what, but saying that you wouldnt go out of your way to ride mammoth is a pretty retarded statement in my book. seriously, i know we dont have the best parks in CA, but come on, mammoth is pretty damn good, grindline work may be sloppy at times but seriously. and templates, who needs templates… anyway i drove all day to ride that park and it was totally worth it, plus a beautiful drive through yosemite. thats my four cents.

  2. Ha! You got called out for being a spoiled Northwesterner.

    Looks like a fun place to roll around. Moon like – does that refer to the surface finish of the concrete or the rolly polly humps all over the place. The pic makes it look like eveything is dimpled.

  3. OK, don’t get your panties in a bunch. This park is fun, no doubt. Going out of your way to skate Mammoth means driving at least 3 hours in any direction, as that is how close to anything else. It’s a fun park. I like it. I just (personally) wouldn’t drive hours out of my way to skate just this place. Just my opinion.

    Moon like refers more to the rolly polly humps, which I actually like. The finish work is a bit moon-like as well, but it doesn’t really bother you when you roll.

  4. Those humps remind me of that lunar landscape looking skatepark from the 70’s that was just a field of moguls.

  5. cold ones on May 29, 2007 - Reply

    I would say it’s a great place to spend a long weekend camping and skating. You can’t really skate the deepest bowl until evening time due to the sun. I hope I make it back this summer.

  6. nweyesk8 on May 29, 2007 - Reply

    i also just returned from a weekend at mammoth lakes, volcolm brothers park. The local “snow bros” are pretty damn stupid with there whiny, “i’m next”,” it was my turn”. out of 100 or so people i saw at the park, about 3 actually were “skateboarding” and not just killing time waiting for the next day to go snowboarding again. the cradle is the only part of the park with any consistent radial tranny, the rest of the park feels like you should be wearing bib’s and goggles to ride. don’t get me wrong, it was fun “flowing” around on the moonscape and the rocks embedded in the concrete were probaly the only real fun thing to skate in the park, but it has to be , quality wise, one of Grindline Inc.’s worst parks I have ever skated. After riding there, nothing airspeed has built is that poor, and It makes me less inclined to travel to ride a new grindline park in hte future.

  7. Hmm… I think I’d like to see one of those moonscape (terrain, not finish) parks here in Portland to mix it up some. We need street and vert stuff too, but really, let’s have something different as much as possible. That could be the real legacy of Portland’s skatepark system – a wide variety of different types of parks. And by variety, I don’t just mean left handed bowls here and right handed bowls there.

  8. nweyesk8 on May 30, 2007 - Reply

    i got no problems with variety in parks, but there is no excuse for poor quality construction. Death to “snow bros”.

  9. Dick Cancer on May 31, 2007 - Reply

    Grindline Inc.’s worst park??? Wow! That’s HARSH! I hear they hire right off the street but I did check out Vancouver and it is a little rough, like 100 grit finish.
    I hope they have something to make it all smooth like Dreamland. It feels like overspray from the shot-crete.
    Then, who am I? I;m just a kook who logs on here and annoy’s sometimes. BUT TO MAKE OREGON, OR PORTLAND COMPLETE OF NEAR COMPLETE, BUT A SUPER SNAKE RUN, AND A 12 AND 4 BOWL AT THE BOTTOM/SOMETHING TO GET THE BLOOD REALLY PUMPING AND BE ABLE TO HIT SPEEDs UP TO 25 MAYBE 30 MPH. It’s realistic, if I build it I will ride it with maybe a few. Snow dorks rock.

  10. I have visited your site 619-times

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