Kid gets head run over by car, skateboard helmet saves life.
It’s true, the helmet saved his life. Of course the article doesn’t get into why the kid was laying on his skateboard, rolling head first into the street.
Jace was playing at the friend’s house a week ago, riding a skateboard “skeleton” – lying on his stomach and going headfirst down the friend’s driveway and into the street. The “daredevil,” as his mother Julie Muir calls him, didn’t see the car coming.
I’m not sure if “daredevil” is what I would call this kid, but I’m glad he’s alive. I can only hope my kids don’t do something that stupid when they grow up.
Another classic parent not keeping an eye on their precious children. Let’s see skateboard+asphalt= cars! Its pretty logical to me. Standing or laying on the deck doesn’t matter, cars will win everytime. Glad this story has a positve ending that helmets do work………..scary shit Kilwag.
My son was doing the same thing last weekend. I was less then 10 feet from him and a car ran the stop sign at on our street just moments from exactly where he had been skating on his stomach. I yelled at the woman who was going to a dead end street to go for a walk, she didn’t get out of her car until I left. (good thing for her) Kids! you can watch them but you can’t stop the world.
I’m glad that kid was okay.
Take it from the queen of Giro Helmets…….Yeah Judy! Aren’t you still the fastest woman on a skateboard?