eBay Watch February 2007
2007 continues red hot in February. Some really big numbers this month on some really surprising items. One I think has to be a mistake by the buyer, but more of that later. The first thing I want to say this month is I’m not a free advice column. I must get three emails a month from people looking for advice on how to sell their shit on eBay for maximum profit. Why should I help? Give me an incentive and I might, but for right now, the free advice column is CLOSED. The worst thing is, they never even say “I really like your column” or anything like that. It’s always right to business: “I’ve got a 1987 Jeff Grosso in great condition. How much can I get for it, maximum?” Fuck off.
This is probably an old legacy Ebay Watch blog post. Some of the links may be broken or missing.
Check the Ebay Watch Features - eBay Watch February 2007
Yeah, pretty crazy this month. Nice column dude, I still don
seems to me the most prudent use of all these peoples seemingly extra cash spent on skateboard memorabilia, would be better used to purchase a ridable skateboard and build a backyard ramp
Re: Heroin Skateboards http://www.heroinskateboarding.com/ – Heroin are one of the biggest skate companies in the UK that produce great decks and wheels and some of the best art over here, done by Fos (the owner), French and others. Fos also does artwork for Andrew Reynolds’ new clothing company Altamont and French does work for Creature, magazine illustration, etc. A lot of people collect Heroin stuff in the UK.
Thanks Matt. Good info there. How long have they been going? Where are they based? London? (I’m interested because I’m from Liverpool).
Conahan and nweyesk8, don’t you guys collect stuff? Star Wars stuff? Movie stuff maybe? There’s no difference really. Some people are collectors of stuff, some aren’t. A lot of skateboarders like to collect skateboard related stuff. It makes complete sense to me. And decks can be great pieces of artwork.
It’s a nostalgia thing too. It’s fun to collect the stuff you owned as a kid.
The Girl Gavin actually went for less than 545. Yes, the first auction ended at that price, for whatever reason, but it got re-listed. I couldn’t find the second one. But I recall it being considerably less than the 545.
Neil – Heroin are based in New Cross, London. They’ve been going several years now. One of their team riders is the Deer Man of Dark Woods from Barrier Kult in Canada and they also sponsor a couple of Japanese skaters from the Osaka Daggers as well as several of the UK’s best rippers. They’re one of the few companies to actually produce decks 8 inches and over on a regular basis. I’ve got a Heroin God model, which features a great graphic of the big fella mowing his lawn. They do a Satan pro model too!
Apparently the high bidder of the Girl Gavin couldn’t come up with the cash, so it was relisted and went for less the 2nd time around.
Another good column. even though I don’t care about most of the 90’s and later stuff, it was good to see increased coverage of different types of boards. Shawn Cassidy? I thought he was dead? Maybe I’m thinking of Barry Gibb. I am also digging the ability to click through to bigger pictures where they exist. That makes all the difference in a case like the Hang Five. Here’s my theory on the Lopes model. maybe it was or people thought it was the reissue.
Somewhat odd that Danforth would save the board he rode from a B-list contest in Ohio. Did he mean the actual deck or just the same model? That contest video has been rereleased on DVD by a company called Native Son – papa Hosoi’s company maybe? I’m going to try and get a review copy.
Dig the write up Neil. “A fool and his money”
I’ve been shocked lately by the buyers who’ll spend up to $35 a pop on a single sticker from the late 80’s…. dang, it must be time to weed out the sticker box.
At 11:00pm last night I was going to bed and just happened to walk by a computer and there was the new Ebay Watch sitting there. So of course I stayed up and read the whole thing.
I concur that the Greg Ayers may be the one of the coolest looking set-ups I’ve ever…
Kilwag–that would be the actual deck that Danforth rode. And that contest wasn’t b-list. The 2nd year it was all pros. Hosoi won it, and other big names were there too.
As for Native Son, I just got the Streetstyle in Tempe DVD reissue from them. Good stuff, although not as good as I remember it being. I’d love to see the Ohio Skateout on DVD. I have a VHS copy of a copy of a copy: naff quality.
As for the Lopes, At first I thought it might have been the reissue too, but I don’t think the reissue came in that color stain, and it didn’t come with the bbq sauce. At least I don’t think so.
Hey guys,
Someone posted a link to your ‘eBay Watch’ page at skullandbonesskateboards.com. I was pleasantly surprised to see the 1981 G&S Micke Alba deck I recently won featured there.
There’s a little history involving that particular auction.
My cousin, Steve Land, and I were among many avid skaters back in the day in central Georgia. I have lots of great memories of all the skating and crazy stuff we did during that time. To make a long story short, Steve passed away from a drug overdose in 1982, basically taking the skate scene with him. His last skateboard was an 81 G&S Malba.
I began searching for a deck like Steve’s in March 2005. Here’s a link to a ‘Wanted’ thread I posted at S&B then.
Neil’s right, this deck is very rare and looks like hell. It’s the 1st one I’ve seen on eBay in quite some time, but I wasn’t letting it get away, hence the strong price. The price has nothing to do with condition or Micke Alba. It’s all about Steve and my memories.
I restore skateboards as a hobby, and this one will look just like the one in the picture when I get done with it.
Dave Addleton
‘Dadd’ from skullandbonesskateboards.com
Hey Neil, thanks for the great read as usual. Every time I see one of those Mountain reissues I want to slap myself for actually setting mine up (who knew?), but eh, what are you going to do. It was a fun one to ride at least. Thanks again for all your hard work!
man i look forward every month to check out on what i missed or saw on the bay,and i got a green stain reaper like 2 weeks ago ,hoped it would make the list,but thats cool,love the work you put in thanks and see ya in april.
just a quick correction on the vallely barnyard wheels… those were made by powell, not world industries, and were made to match the barnyard graphic board powell released after vallely came back on powell briefly.
real rare addition to a vallely collection, and would look good on a shelf next to either a WI or powell barnyard, but not mine… once they topped $50 they were out of my price range.
Great column. I love collecting decks and you seem to list some of the best auctions. I thinl you need to do 2 reviews a month…..I read it in a 1/2 hour and then have to wait another month. Great job!
2 a month? Doing 1 a month is taxing enough thanks!
Thanks for the kind words though, and MikeD, thanks for the correction on the wheels.
Randy, yes, that’s the actual deck. And that wasn’t a b-list contest. All of the big names were there if you remember: Hawk, Hosoi, Gator etc etc. Danforth placed high, and did mammoth acid drops off the side of the curved vert wall.
Hey bro i just seen that you were at the ohio sk8 out when Danforth broke is deck,, so was i and i wish i could have seen that deck or sale way back in 2007!I love the ebay watch!!A little opinionated at times .,,but still really cool thanx for all your work!Chris