Whiny Skateboarder Tasered by Police
Watching the interviews with this kid will make you understand why he got tasered. It doesn’t make it right, but I would have been tempted to taser this annoying whiner myself. Campus authorities say the tasering was not because he was skateboarding, it was because he was not complying with police. A girl caught it on her cell phone and posted it on Youtube. Ironically, the original has disappeared and as of now only exists on Youtube as it has been shown on a couple different TV news shows, by pointing the news camera at a computer monitor. After the jump you can find some links to the story as well as a YouTube videos of the the news showing a YouTube video on TV. Can you deal with that? Am I blowing your tiny minds?
Police Shock Skateboarder With Taser
NBC Sandiego.com – San Diego,CA,USA
Authorities said that a second officer responded after Gandy had been asked to stop skateboarding and that he used the Taser gun in response to what campus …
SDSU Student Tasered For Skateboarding On Campus
KFMB – San Diego,CA,USA
The rule at San Diego State University is no skateboarding on campus, but that doesn’t always stop everyone. Now, some students are outraged after a man …
Police brutality and abuse of power is pretty common. Witnesses say the police continued to taser the annoying skateboarder even after he was subdued and lying on the ground. That doesn’t surprise me much. I’ve had personal experience with cops being dicks because they could be. Is it right? No. Do they do it anyway? Yes. Did I enjoy listening to that twerp’s anguished (and hilarious) cries? Yes! That is why I should not be a cop. Nor should this behavior be acceptable from anyone who is a cop. It’s their job to serve and protect everyone, even those who break the law.
YouTube Extravaganza
Always great – Pointing a home video camera at the TV:
The Piss take. (That was fast!)
I heard screaming just like that last summer. Some kid whose parents live a few houses down from me, escaped from a mental institution or something and tried to break into his house. Anyway the cops came and chased him. I was on my front porch supping a brew and watched this chubby long-haired mentally challenged teen, running for his life. Then he was tasered and he made the same god-awful whine, as in that vid. It makes me wonder, if I ever got tasered whether I could at least let out more of a manly growl…
This happened to me. I swear. (Note, we were 13, the youngest there at the time) A friend of mine and I were skating in a skate park, which was swarming with about 10 skaters everywhere in, around, and on it. We decided to race to the hockey rink about 100yds away, and set off. There were no cars in the lot we were crossing, the skaters rode a bus and it was about two in the afternoon. Then, this asshole state trooper drives in on the return trip, and jumps out, tackling me. My nose and maybe some teeth were almost shattered, and I was bleeding my ass off. I was knocked out. When I came around, I was still on the ground. The cop was yelling, thinking I was wize-assing him by not responding. He had his taser out, and then some of the other kids started to come over, screaming