Anchorman’s favorite
Here’s a couple instances of skateboarding on the news. ABC’s Nightline picked up on the mortgage crisis story again. I hope mr Peacock is making some money off these news appearances. Nightline even manages to include the horrendous Jake Brown super slam footage in the segment. I hope Mr Brown is making money off that footage. Also up after the jump. Old Man Army got some coverage on a local Fox News affiliate. Watch it and you’ll briefly get to meet the site’s founders and catch some footage of someone in an (excellent) get up. They don’t say who he is, but he must be the OMA equivalent of GVK.
– Thanks to Sarib and Orezona for the tip.
The Nightline video can’t be embedded (bastards!), so watch it here. Here’s a YouTube copy of the OMA on Fox bit, while it lasts.
“Back in Fresno, the hoemowner bust has skaters rich in places to grind their wheels.” Classic.
“at least until the wheels fall off”……
That’s Wrex Cook in his alter-ego “Ronnie”
Old Man Army “Proctology
That guy is awesome
(… guy with the neon pads)
The Fox newscast WTF – the cigarette shot. 4 times in the report.
Wrex COCK more like.
An ego so big he had to invent a massive alter-ego
Loks like someone is a little chapped. Would you like to use some of my ‘Zinka’?
awww real ronnie, need a tissue?
Real Ronnie Says:
February 4th, 2009 at 8:03 am
Wrex COCK more like.
An ego so big he had to invent a massive alter-ego
go back to crying on the oma messageboard.