Skate Girl
Fuel TV’s Insane Cinema series is running a feature called Skate Girl that focuses on the trials and tribulations of being a female skater, as well as a little history. It’s a pretty good feature, but not without it’s flaws. They interview Peggy Oki, who probably wasn’t too hard to track down, but nothing about other famous female pioneers like Ellen Oneil and Pat McGee. Also, it’s hard to comment on this film without mentioning something that is either funny or sad, depending on how you look at it. This documentary on the struggle of female skateboards to be taken seriously is continuously interrupted by little station bumps in the corner of the screen that are, more often than not, jiggle girls like bikini clad bimbo in the shot above. That has to be bittersweet for the girls in the viewing audience. An interesting side note, the credits reveal the the skate photographer is none other than Lisa Whitaker, the stunt double from the old Capri Slims skateboarding commercial we featured earlier.
Skate Girl preview
Showing on Fuel TV.
I’m sick of it. Just action sports jack-offs trying to market to girls. Too late for me! When I was 14 I actually had to ride skateboards that weren’t pink and I actually had to wear Levis instead of Volcom “boyfriend” cut jeans, or whatever. How did I make it in this world?! It’s so fucking stupid.
I bout spit out my green beans when the slutty cop chicks came on screen. That was of questionable taste.
The girl freaking out and throwing her board had balls for trying to skate Garfield. Hah-cha-cha!
I met Patti McGee this last Sunday at the Chandler park during the Old Man Army annual BBQ. Super nice lady for sure.
I’m of the opinion that Fuel TV is retarded, plain and simple.
female skaters are awesome! i like the backside carve…mmmm. Johnnie Kopp-a-feel
Wasn’t aware skateboarding was segregated, maybe its a marketing technique….and I don’t know Orezona but Chandler park will be my favorite till I die. Even though it stinks of cattle shit and THE “Bashas Farm” I will always miss that park, and ye fuel tv, indeed retarded.
Holy Mother of Christ, thats full of typo’s….”ye fuel tv”? Or “ye olde fuel t.v”? But yeah, Chandler & Chino…best parks ever.
They are trying to segregate it, so they can market different crap to different segments. Now that more women and girls are taking up skating, companies are trying to cash in on soft good sales. “Skate clothing” is a retarded premise to begin with. Who needs that crap? I don’t like that tv spot, because it makes skating feel divided. Just cause I got different equipment doesn’t make skating any different for me.
Grover, Rich and I used to have heated “intellectual discussions” (arguments) about this sort of thing back in the days when we had to spend time driving to skateparks… ( I guess that would be pre 2007!) Rich was working on a documentary about female skaters on his own, but has been curiously silent about this post. Rich?
I agree with Ash. As Kilwag mentioned, I am working on a skate video and as a part of that process, I understand Ash’s viewpoint. The working title for my piece is “Ultra Concentrated” not “Skate Girl”, or “Ladies with Appliances”, etc…. The main thing that inspired me to do this project was the spirit of the skaters I met and how their motivations were identical to why I started skating and continue to skate. Still stoked after all these years.
Heh heh, “Ladies with Appliances.” I think I saw that once, but there was no skating in it.
Rich, I think you ought to seriously consider using “Ladies with Appliances” as the title. You have the inside track on getting the OK to use the track and I think it would be appropriate given the attitude of the song.