Lizzie Armanto in Seventeen
Lizzie Armanto has a small piece in Seventeen magazine. With excerpts like this, it’s no wonder Lizzie has neglected to update the “coverage” section of her web site.
In many ways, 20-year-old Lizzie is totally typical—she takes silly selfies with her BFFs, loves sleeping in, and munches on donuts after practice…
It’s not the type of hard hitting journalism I’d expect from the first (1944) American magazine published for teens. I can’t tell if this is an online only appearance or if she’s in a print edition too. I must have let my subscription lapse.
– Thanks to S&A contibutor and avid Seventeen reader Seth Levy for the tip.
In the Netherlands Seventeen Magazine has a whole different, let’s say, adult connotation which gives this a weird T&A vibe for me.
I’m still waiting for the next issue of Sassy.
Ha. Me too. Mrs Kilwag loved that rag.
Well she does have a few xgames medals plus thrasher coverage so I’m sure she’s good.
“and munches on donuts after practice
I mean, to say, I don’t WANT to go A.I. on it. Sorry, I can’t write. So much for my mainstreem writing job! ha!
Aw, did you wish it read “carpet”? And, that her name wasn’t Lizzie, per se?
Naw, it was about practice, we talkin’ ’bout practice.
Thanks to avid Seventeen reader Seth Levy…hahahaha
met her at Trifecta…seemed to be a nice gal….until she started waxing the 11.5 coping…fucking cali kooks..
i liked her cone work on thrasher’s king of the road