Safe New Way to Skateboard
Taking a break from people reinventing the skateboard, here’s the umpteenth take on reinventing skyhooks, ollie bands, straps, etc… Krainkn was “invented” by Kevin Rains – get it? K-rain-kin! Guess what? You’ll never believe this, not in a million years. He’s on kickstarter. What’s actually hard to imagine is the fact that he has allegedly squeezed a patent or two out of this idea that dates back to the 70’s and has even been updated in the last 5 years or so. I’ll even go out on a limb and say it looks fun (shocker!) but come on man, you’re detracting from kickstarter programs that are actually interesting, like the Molecule Synth.
– Thanks to Sarib for the tip.
UPDATE: New videos added since the old one disappeared.
lame !
Hang it under a tree and you get a nice … hadaya call it ? A swing ?
Had it on a surf and you get … a leash.
Dogtown rules !
i’m pretty sure it is still cheaper to take an old bike inner tube, but what do I know in today’s, but it new,made in china, society ?
Inner tube originator back in 90′.
Wow! Maybe I’ll be good enough at skateboard riding with this to finally get my photo in Thrasher…
98% Gay
nice selection of anti hero boards on the rack
yeah but how can you text without your hands… lazy dick faces.
I sometimes become very sad when I see people like Kevin Rains, try so hard. So, so pointlessly hard. I want Kevin to have a nice time, earn some good money and get to do some nice things with his life but not like this. Not like this, Kevin, please.
I know exactly how you feel, couldn’t have worded it better myself. I struggled writing this post because I din’t want to come down to hard on the guy but it’s just so awful.
I just want to sit him down, thank him for his efforts, and constructively steer him in a better direction. Maybe there’s a kitchen gadget he could improve upon? I’d like a juicer with a Bloody Mary setting, or a toaster that makes One-Eyed Jacks, you know something I might actually use…
Why, looks like a cool fun invention that can help you learn some tricks faster.
I guess he still has to ‘find his inner tube’…
I used bungee cords in ’79.