eBay Watch: December 2010
December 2010 was a great month on eBay. There were lots of great decks: some classics and some more unusual ones that don’t get seen too often. I’ve left out some of the “classics” this month, because let’s face it. How many more times can I show a PP Lance Mountain Future Primitive? Yes it’s a great, classic graphic, but after a while it gets dull for me to write about, and probably for you reading this. If I see one in a truly outstanding colorway then perhaps I will show it, but otherwise it has gone the way of the Hawk. And I don’t care if it did fetch over $1000, if I’m not excited about showing it then it’s not in here, whether that be due to over saturation or a poor photograph. I often get emails asking why I didn’t feature a certain auction. Normally it’s because the photo sucked. If the photo is super small, fuzzy and has bad color, then it’s not allowed in here. My readers have to be able to look at the deck as well as read about it. That’s part of the deal.
This is probably an old legacy Ebay Watch blog post. Some of the links may be broken or missing.
Check the Ebay Watch Features - eBay Watch: December 2010
Good one again Neil!
I think I forgot to provide you with an interesting freestyle deck.(Or you just didn’t feel like including the gazillionth Mullen this month).
Blue Kendall Atom man is the holy (skate shop-)grail from my youth.
Oh man, those Blackhearts….. put ’em on a huge Seaflex with stage 1 Indy’s….and that’s perfection, right there.
About 50 pounds of perfection…