Please don’t skate in the Pool
“The Pool” is a temporary installation in a public swimming pool in London. Nike 6.0, the action sports (excluding skateboarding) division set this up for BMX action. If you’re a UK reader of this site who doesn’t have a bike, they’ll even loan you one. This idea is… interesting. I wonder if they’d let someone skate it? I know, skateboarders are always glomming on to the blood sweat and tears of the the action sports industry. When are we going to get it together and make something for ourselves? The Dagenham Swimming Pool sessions end June 12th. That’s one massive temporary structure.
– Thanks to Seth Levy for the tip. [Source: Curated Mag]
Nike built that thing in the tunnel, in Europe, just for bikes too. WTF Nike? Why do you hate America and skateboarding?
Nike realizes that they don’t make any money from skateboarding necessarily – just shoes that are supposedly for skateboarding. Now they’ve moved on to BMX. It’s a very common tale for companies who get into the skateboarding business – they make a few bucks and kill all the underdogs in the way – then they head on to the next thing they want to take over and do the same. Nike has done nothing productive for skateboarding…ever. Yeah they shoes look cool sometimes – but they haven’t made any new discoveries or strides for skateboarding.
Would be very cool if all the BMXers just stayed away.
you can can book sessions there to skate it