The new transition
Andrew Lewicki is at it again. In addition to gold plated grind rails and walnut launch ramps, he’s made a thing called y=x². The formula is approximated in the transition of the ramp, and you’ll notice the stairs to the deck can’t actually help you get anywhere. I admire his work conceptually, but I have to think he’s playing to an extremely limited subset of both the art world and the skateboarding world. Still, it tickles a part of my brain just knowing that someone goes through the trouble and expense to actually construct these items. Then again it tickles a different part of my brain thinking about the fact that all that wood has been wasted approximating a structure that can’t be skated.
– Thanks to Kelly Robertson for the tip.
[Source: MROD]
There’s no ‘WHY’ in art.
I like it!
Just think of the mini that could have been built with this wood.
I’m no sound pro but maybe it’s half the wave-length of skateboarders crying all over the world? Does this even make sense?
I also like it.
I suppose as art(surreal ramp structure)it is “cool” but as a skateboarder it bugs the hell out of me and almost kind of pisses me off.
As a skating math nerd, I approve this piece of art.
Parabolic Half Pipes are the future!
As a skating math nerd I dislike the shape. He should have selected something that is smoother than twice differentiable.
At the risk of being somewhat pretentious – “Ceci n’est pas une demi pipe”
I can’t believe I didn’t think of using that for the title. My (floating) hat is off to you, sir.
Only an art fag could make something as gay as that
Is it art, or is it his way of putting his middle finger up to all skaters? Did he feel that “nobody was giving him a turn?”
It’s just a cruel cruel joke
Does this guy work for Purkiss Rose?
nice one : )
Gayer than Techno..
No railings on the decks?
the coping on the right side looks kinda beefy, might need to re-set it
i think it would of been cooler if he had spent his art time making something that was ridiculuous yet still skateable.. i wonder if theres actually architects out there who do that type of stuff…
The real fag is the one who knocks it before they blitz the museum and skate the fucker. You’re all super rame…
Cut it in half and take off the decks now you have 2 weird boxes {SKATEABLE}
Looks like something our local prefab skatepark company would’ve built…
We fell right into the artist trap, we’re “talking about it”, and having “a powerful reaction to it” LOL Artist 1, suckers 0.
You are correct. It did it’s job, caused a reaction.
“its job”
Any twerp can build a skateable ramp.
well i certainly failed with my ramp.
As another math nerd I must comment that he could have supplied a skateable ramp that still approximates ‘y=x^2.’ Think, zooming in towards the minimal point. The collection of latteral supports would count a smaller interval of ‘x-values.’ It’s all a matter of choosing a frame of reference.
It’s definitely an FU for a choosing an unskateable interval. Form doesn’t follow the function and the useless decks don’t add to the aescetic in any sort of meaningful proportion with respect to the expression y=x^2. The only purpose is to flaunt the idea without realizing it. which lands this peice in the realm of Post-Modern Crap.
Magritte guy was right.He didn’t build a skateable ramp.
Neat! But what ~really~ makes this art is all of us talking about it and having opinions on it.
Cheap, tacky, looks like he has spent a total of 30 minutes crafting it, bad. If he wanted to cause a “reaction” he could have spent a little time crafting something impressive, not this piffle.
The dude is correct that you could build a PARABOLIC path transition. He just made it too steep.
Here’s a parabolic path landing for a launch: