I’m so hot I can’t stand it.
Nothing proclaims your love for a sport more than your desire to surround yourself in accoutrements adorned with symbols of your passion. If you can’t be killing the coping at a particular moment, you might as well be killing your lungs with a skateboard-themed lighter.
Skateboard lighters
Most of them are just plain old lighters with skateboard graphics. This is an actual fingerboard that is a lighter. Some people go through a lot of trouble to sell a $3.99 item.
I hope this was the sexy hand model’s big break.
Then there’s the opposite. This person used vaseline to clean the camera lens.
Ahh, the silhouette. A classic. Nothing helps me jump higher for my kickflips than lighting up!
Zippos. The handstand man is so hot, his head is on fire.
More Zippos. Damn, these are expensive.
These Items were found on eBay. Smoke up!
“Wow that was a sick run, I’m tired and out of breath, lets have a smoke.” hahaha
I smoke after skating, it’s a good way to calm down. It’s definitely not healthy though.