Tech Deck: The Berrics Transforming Skatepark

First of all, Tech Decks are still a thing. Based on my casual perusal of the toy aisles over the past 2 decades it appears they were in a slow decline from their heyday in the 2010’s, but they are still out there releasing new products beyond the endless release of popsicle stick graphics from Element and the like. We get a lot of PR mail sent from various companies, and occasionally I’ll actually reply (usually in a flippant manner) something along the lines of “That sounds amazing! Why don’t you send me a (insert Extreme!™ product) for review? Most often times that is met with no response. However, not the case with The Berrics Transforming Park. Join me, dear readers, as I fulfill my implied contractual duty.
The first thing that struck me about the set is that it’s substantially larger than you’d think from lookin gat the pictures. Closed, it’s about 9″ x 12″ x 6¼” without the included handle attached. It’s also a lot sturdier than you’d expect from what is essentially a plastic child’s toy. When you unfold it, depending on how you set it up, you can fold down the sides, which are quite sturdy, including the locking mechanism, which was a nice surprise.
The set comes with a couple ledges that double as walls, a railing, a picnic table, and some plastic fidily bits that can be rearranged as you please, as well as two sheets of paper stickers with Berrics-centeric flavor.
The other thing of note is The Berrics skateboard in the oversized style popular with some of the “serious” fnigerboarding crew. See the photo below for a size comparison of a standard Tech Deck fingerboard (top) as a comparison.
Here’s the official product shots.

This product seems to fall somewhere in between the casual fingerboarder and the guy spending $75 on a pair of trucks. Bottom line, if fingerboarding and/or The Berrics are your thing, you could do a lot worse than this. As an aside, I met that fellow from The Berrics once, he was a nice person. And thus, my promotional obligations are fulfilled!