More than meets the eye?

Transformers. More like less than meets the eye. Near as I can tell, the Access creative agency comes up with ideas… and then? They’ve got a ton of marketing/promotional projects online, but it doesn’t appear that any of them have actually come to fruition. Keep dreaming, young dreamers. One of their projects is a fancy […]

Skateable Architecture in Madrid

Here’s a recently constructed house by the architecture firm A-cero out of Madrid. It’s got some nice transitions but the concrete looks a little rough in sections. Still, I’ve seen worse skateparks… That’s a crazy tight miniramp with an extra helping of vert surrounding the front door. More pictures on Freshhome. Bonus shot of another […]

Conduce la revolución

A Spanish commercial for an Italian car with an American pastime, from Dutch tipster. One and a half seconds of miniramp action. – Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.

Cornboards from the University of Illinois

So far my alma mater is famous for two things, the birthplace of the fictional self-aware computer Hal 9000, and the place where internet browsers were invented. And now the University of Illinois is pushing the Corn board, a composite material made from the husks and stalks of corn plants. Think of it as a […]

Appeal to the youth

Kids everywhere know that JCPenney… wait, try this. Known for their extreme… errr, well. The JCPenney miniramp at the Dew Tour.

Skate Saint Ignatius

I’ve been staying at a ranch out in the middle of nowhere, Montana. One of the staff heard me mention wanting to travel into Missoula to check out the skatepark. Turns out I could cut my drive time down from one hour to 15 minutes. The little town of St Ignatius, population 811, has a […]

New indoor in Vancouver Wa

I found out about this from a non skater, you know, a civilian. Turns out the new indoor park is next door to one of those warehouses full of inflatable bounce houses for kids. My informant was there for a kid’s birthday party. I went to go check it out on a Saturday but nobody […]

Gullwing Full Power trip

Gullwing videos of yesteryear

I never saw Full Power Trip from 1990. I did have a bootleg copy of Molecules in Motion though. I’d like to see that again. Here’s some Sadlands action with Blender and Jesse. I think that miniramp was Blender’s. Video quality is sketchy. It’s probably bootlegged, but hey, at least someone preserved it.

bamboo mango minramp in nepal

Go to the DIY store and buy a suitable timber.

For some reason that translation made me chuckle. What work? What translation? Some German speaking guy was supposed be visiting Nepal for two years, so he made himself a miniramp. He was going to keep in his back yard until he opted for a more altruistic approach and decided to build it at a local […]