
I forgot one.

I forgot about this Christmas tree made out of skateboards, sent to me by Jungle Jim Kuiack. At first glance I thought it was just an oddly shaped fake Christmas tree.

Merry X-mas from Skate and Annoy

Merry Christmas from Skate and Annoy

If I could I’d have you all over for cocktails and fudge. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Ramadan, Kwanza, or Flying Spaghetti Day… Just be happy and enjoy yourself and your family and friends. Thanks to Rich for shooting this. He had a better shot but my beard was completely covering my face. Enlarge-o-rama.

UPDATE: MC has a video clip.


Beaver on a skateboard

This Christmas ornament is from a company called American Greetings. This is their 2009 “Son” ornament, as you can see from the bottom of the beaver’s shoes. The hook is on one of his shoes, but he balances fine on his board without it. I managed to get a decent picture of this because I didn’t break it in the process, unlike the last time I photographed an animal skateboarding. Enlarge-o-rama.

GVK #54: X-Mas footage 2009

GVK #54: X-Mas Footage for all

Some X-Mas Footage for all. It would have been longer and better except I have to finish my last-minute Christmas shopping. If you don’t like it, file a complaint with the editor-in-chief of Skate and Annoy. Merry Christmas from the Staff at GVK.

(Editor’s note: I’m filing my own complaint. I’m having a hard time finding the “X-mas” in this X-mas footage! – K.ed)

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Thus, no returns will be accepted

There’s not much I can say about this “invention,” except I particularly dig the shoes and pants in the close up shot. A sharp dressed man can sell anything in Swartz Creek, Michigan. Skaterhusseindave, we expect a full report.

I am selling a custom built board with a caster wheel on one end that will allow the user to spin around 180 and 360 degrees and a closed wheel on the other end. The board is made of red oak with 24 gauge Aluminum in the middle. Custom skateboard comes fully assembled. Each board is custom made upon order thus the long delivery time. Since each board is custom made thus no returns will be accepted.

The seller doesn’t explain what the casters or rubber stoppers are for, so you are on your own there. He has zero transactions on eBay so far, so you can be the first.

– Thanks to Matthijs van Wijk for the tip.

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Skateboard Raccoon

From Hallmark, circa 1985. I’m not sure who made the decision to have the Raccoon on a skateboard, but I’m glad they did. There’s a shot of the box after the jump. Depth of field is too shallow in this shot, but I dropped the ornament and broke the wheels right after I took this so that’s as good as it gets. It’s the day before Christmas and my tree already looks like it is about to spontaneously combust.

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Ghost Parking Lot

Ghost Parking Lot missing

This installation known as Ghost Parking Lot existed in Hamden, Connecticut from 1978 to 2003 (or 2007, depending on the source) yet somehow never ended up in a skate video or photo layout in a skate magazine, at least not that I am aware of. If it did, someone please enlighten me. This looked like a great spot for street skating. The shots above were found at Whoadude. They appear to be photos from when the installation was relatively new. Roadside Attractions has more recent photos that make the place look pretty decrepit. Apparently it was pretty hard to maintain. It did appear on TV shortly after it opened, and ironically, there’s a kid in the crowd who rides up to the location with a skateboard and a bewildered look on his face.

– Thanks to Julian Gilbert-Davis for the tip.

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chanukah: Skateboard menorah

What Jew talking bout Willis?

Well, this started out as a way to appease our Jewish readers who may be sick of all this Christmas paraphernalia, but I couldn’t resist the pun, and so… well. There isn’t a lot out there connecting Chanukah with skateboarding. You can find a gross of generic Chanukah skateboards on Zazzle that had about as much effort put into them as well, me trying to find a good litereary device to… never mind. I did find this skateboard-themed menorah, and a statement on the Anti Defimation League web site talking about Vans shoes:

An e-mail rumor long circulated on the Internet suggests that the maker of Vans skateboarding shoes is anti-Jewish because some of their shoes come with a pattern resembling a Star of David on a portion of their outsole (bottom). Some of the more conspiracy-minded e-mails suggest that this pattern was created by the company to put Jews down (“step on Jews”) or that the company was “founded by neo-Nazis.”

ADL has concluded that there is no truth to any of these allegations.

While ADL understands that the use of the Star of David pattern in this context may be offensive to some, there is no factual basis to believe that the maker of Vans shoes incorporated the six-pointed star design in an attempt to insult Jews.

And now, a video I found on the interwebs simply titled, “Jew on a skateboard.”

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