Naples Snake Run

New snake runs are an old new idea.

Oregon just got one in Lincoln City, and we’re getting one in Portland later this year. Hell, they might be breaking ground as you read this. In Florida, they don’t have the hills that we do, so they have to make due. The Edge skatepark in Naples was finished a couple years ago. Team Pain […]

LC snake benefit tee at EPM

LC snake benefit tee at EPM

Rich at Earth Patrol Media had the idea to do a benefit tee for the Lincoln City Skatepark snake run. Unfortunately he asked Conahan to do some artwork for it and that can take a while. Rich is offering them for $12 through his Earth Patrol website. Proceeds to benefit Lincoln City skatepark. We’re still […]


Donations for Lincoln City 4

Help finish the Lincoln City snakerun. Dreamland has donated time, materials and money over the years to make Lincoln City the best skatepark possible. The local kids have also been recruited to donate time and labor. Here’s your chance to help finish the snakerun. Skaters for Portland Skateparks has set up a Lincoln City Skatepark […]

Lincoln City snake run 081013

Lincoln City IV progress

Thanks to Ryan Hass for these shots of the progress on the Lincoln City snake run.

LC4 071228

LC snake run

The long-planned snake run connecting upper and lower Lincoln City skatepark is in progress. They tore out the tight tranny on the west side of the park and started the snake there. It runs down the hill at a fairly steep angle with four or five turns and there will be a big wall at […]


An embarrassment of riches – Summer Solstice Roadtrip 2008

This was my fourth year going on this trip. This year the group was in full disarray. Hailey, Lake Cunningham and Washington State were all possibilities being discussed. In the end, small groups went their separate ways. We started for San Jose but ended up touring southern Oregon and the Oregon coast. Too many choices!

SOTW 4-14-08: Lincoln City

SOTW 4-14-08: Concrete skateparks are sensual

Am I making you feel uncomfortable, err, down there? This is an image of the Lincoln City snake run that I took a couple weeks ago when we had the place virtually all to ourselves. I spent about 20 minutes trying to capture a view of the snake run that would please me, and this […]

Redmond, Oregon skatepark

Red’s Redmond

I don’t know exactly where this park falls in the Dreamland timeline. I think it happened after the initial Lincoln City park, but before Newberg. In fact, the park isn’t listed on the Dreamland web site, (Update: It is actually. – I think wasn’t there at one time, and I was going from memory.) and […]

LC4 sm

LC4 shots using an antiquated photographic apparatus.

I got a my film back from Saturday’s Lincoln City trip. Here are a couple of additional views of the snake run in progress. Link to a larger view after the jump.