Team Pain builds Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs half done

Team Pain is about halfway done in Colorado Springs. Catch three pictures of the bowls after the jump. What’s next? The street area, of course. Thanks to Tito for the pics. How are those inverts coming?

Intercooler video - sausage half pipe

Most half pipes are a sausage fest

Intercooler is either a heat exchange device used on turbocharged internal combustion engines to improve their volumetric efficiency, or an Australian band. Take your pick. This music video (or is it a commercial for Element?) for Intercooler’s You’re Not Gonna Hurt Us Again features two people I’ve never heard of: Australian pro skateboarder Corbin Harris […]

Love and Acceptance on the Half Pipe: Sexy Skateboarding Ads Attack Discrimination

Love, acceptance, and time traveling gay robots on the half pipe

Love and Acceptance on the Half Pipe: Sexy Skateboarding Ads Attack Discrimination is the title of the (Who knew?) article about the MTV’s gay skateboarder anti-discrimination commercial that appears to have been written by a time traveling robot. The article, not the commercial. I’m not exactly sure why they wrote the article, because it’s […]

Skateboarding rated for difficulty by ESPN

Greater than calf roping. Less than badminton.

ESPN gathered a panel of experts to rate the difficulty of 60 sports based on 10 criteria. Skateboarding came in at 37, sandwiched between difficult distance swimming and sprints in track and field. Some noticeable more difficult sports include badminton and team handball while the easier sports include calf roping, golf and table tennis. Settling […]


Cars on Half Pipes?

If you’ve ever owned or frequented a backyard ramp you’ve probably seen the attempts to ride the neighborhood gas powered scooter or small cc dirt bike on a half pipe before. It usually ends in a lot of pain or hole in the ramp. Somewhere there’s a guy in a cube getting paid to send […]

Halfpipe Honeyz

Halfpipe Honeyz??

I’ve looked at the website ( but I still can’t figure out what it is or why. It appears to be a site for slutty models who can be booked for events. But it also has skatepark reviews. The latest one gives the Cocoa Beach, Florida park 4 out of 5 stars, and it’s obvioulsy […]

On the Half Pipe With Tony Hawk

On the on Lam.. Err, uh, Half Pipe With Tony Hawk

From 2001 in the heyday of the “Michael Jordan of Skateboarding” hype. This is a kids book which looks to be a dumbed down and probably cleaned up version of Hawk’s bio. For the kids… You know? Did you know that he made skateboarding a bona fide sport almost by himself?

Puberty Skates and other Chinese Crap

You can quickly got down a rabbit hole when you start searching for skateboards on those Chinese import sites. Here’a couple of beauties: A children’s skateboard with the Spanish word for puberty, and some World Industries and Santa Cruz knockoffs. It’s important to remember that brand products are beautiful, flexible in performance, stable in quality, […]

Skateboard! #10

91 adverts from Skateboard! magazine #10 ( June 1978 ) brings the total vintage skateboarding magazine adverts in the gallery up to 801! Skateboard! was a UK publication and as such, features some distinctly British ads, companies and slang in addition to the the usual fare from the USA. Half the ads seem to brag […]