Just heard someone reference Scully Brothers (with a “c”) which reminded me of my old sakteboarding days and vague having some some parts from Skully Brothers (with a “K”). Googled it and foudn this site. Exactly the sticker I used to have. So glad this exists. Will be looking around to see what else I recognise.
6yrs ago I had a massive, massive stroke I was in a coma for 3 days, my family took everything when I woke up I couldn’t walk or talk one of the first things I asked was where are my skully bro’s shirts they were gone!!! If you can I would like a chance to buy them, I still have my beanie hat
Just heard someone reference Scully Brothers (with a “c”) which reminded me of my old sakteboarding days and vague having some some parts from Skully Brothers (with a “K”). Googled it and foudn this site. Exactly the sticker I used to have. So glad this exists. Will be looking around to see what else I recognise.
6yrs ago I had a massive, massive stroke I was in a coma for 3 days, my family took everything when I woke up I couldn’t walk or talk one of the first things I asked was where are my skully bro’s shirts they were gone!!! If you can I would like a chance to buy them, I still have my beanie hat