eBay Watch: June 2012

So welcome to eBayWatch, June 2012 edition. There seemed to be a ton of great 80s decks but I really had to struggle to fins ten 70s and 90s decks. And don’t even ask about the miscellaneous section because it’s pretty thin this month. But the 80s section is packed, so enjoy that one. My […]

Ebay Watch: April/May 2014

So, I’m sure some of you thought I’d stopped doing these! I know. It’s been a long time since you read a new Baywatch! There are two main reasons: There just hasn’t been that much good stuff for sale on eBay recently. There’s been a real slump to be honest. Same stuff, different month, and […]

eBay Watch: June 2013

60s, 70s, very early 80s. First up this in the 70s section this month is this amazing package, which consist of a mint Banazi aluminum complete, along with the original shipping box! It’s been in storage for 35 years, and looks as bright and shiny as they day it left the factory in 1977! The […]

Ebay Watch: December 2012

I just flew back from England (and boy are my arms tired!) where I spent Xmas with my family. I was amazed to see a skateboard store had popped up in Wallasey Village. Wallasey is across the river Mersey from Liverpool. It’s an old town (60,000 or so) that gets mentioned in book back to […]