eBay Watch: December 2006

I want to start off this December Baywatch by thanking a faithful reader who goes by the excellent handle “she was killed by space junk.” Thanks for the stickers, much appreciated. You rule. Now back to business. December was another down month, with some great bargains to be had. I know. I got one. But […]

Ebay Watch: May – June 2015

Editor’s Note: This one goes out to Steve From Jersey who sent in some old English skate mags unsolicited. Thanks! – Kilwag. (P.S. Drop me an email, please.) So welcome everybody to the new bay watch, covering the months of May-June 2015. It was a weird period, and a period that cemented some things that […]

eBay Watch: November 2010

Things get back to normal this month. Bargain Section? Check. Assorted Crap? Check. 5,000 words? Check. Lots of great looking decks and some surprises? Checkmate. The music selection this month is She Wants Revenge and their wonderful self titled debut album.

eBay Watch: July 2010

Boy, my comments last month sparked a lot of discussion didn’t they? I want to thank Michael Brooke, the owner of Concrete Wave for taking the time to come on here and answer some of my criticisms. We might not agree on the quality of the content or the average age of his readership, but […]

eBay Watch: June 2010

I want to start off this month by addressing something that’s been on my mind for some time, and it might piss some people off, but it needs to be said. I want to look at two of the “older generation” skateboard magazines, Concrete Wave and Juice. I’ve been getting both for years and years, […]

eBay Watch: April 2010

Well, despite what I said last month, I was able to pull together a full and complete BayWatch for April 2010. It was a tough month though. I’m assuming lots of people owed on their taxes in April because almost all of the big-ticket decks available went unsold. Only a few decks went for over […]

eBay Watch: February 2009

February 2009. Much as in January, the economy might suck, but you wouldn’t know it on eBay. There were some BIG auctions that went off this month, and a lot of cash thrown around. Tax refunds really come to bear at this time of month, with collectors throwing their “free money” at any grails that […]

eBay Watch: November 2006

Hey everybody. Well it appears that we are in the yearly eBay slump. Seriously. I’ve never seen so many auctions go off where the decks didn’t meet reserve. There are some great bargains out there on decks that don’t have a reserve: I will list a couple, but go on there and do some digging. […]

eBay Watch: October 2006

Due to feedback on the column, this month I’m starting a “weird” auctions section, that features some of the more unusual items from the skateboards section of eBay. As always, this stuff is totally random; whatever catches my eye. I may miss some stuff that goes off, but hey, that’s life. If you guys see […]

eBay Watch: September 2006

Thanks for all of the comments you guys are leaving on the Baywatch thingies. It’s great to know that people are even looking at these ramblings, let alone enjoying them! I’m wondering though, what do you think of the length of them? Too long? Not enough? Let me know your thoughts. Also, do you want […]