eBay Watch: April 2008

Well, March was good, but April was even better! I feature 49 items, of which 14 went for over $1,000. There were no $3000+ decks this month, but still, lots of good stuff changing hands. There was a lot of cash being thrown around. Maybe tax refunds being spent? And just wait until the stimulus […]

eBay Watch: May 2009

Something odd happened this month. I was sorting through the images of the decks, putting them in categories, when I noticed something odd: I didn’t have any 90s decks. That has never happened before, and I could have gone back through and looked for 90s decks, but that would have been forcing it. I normally […]

eBay Watch: April 2009

First off this month I want to thank all of the folks who email in to tell me how much they enjoy the column, whether it be to the email address here or on skullandbones. I’m glad that so many people all around the world seem to enjoy my pontificating and nonsense. Also for those […]

eBay Watch: June 2008

eBay is like a yoyo. Prices were high in April, way down in May, but they completely rebounded in June. In a very big way. So let’s see. Tax rebates in April, nothing in May, Government Stimulus Checks in June. Is it really that obvious? Apparently yes. So if my reckoning is right, prices will […]