eBay Watch: December 2006

I want to start off this December Baywatch by thanking a faithful reader who goes by the excellent handle “she was killed by space junk.” Thanks for the stickers, much appreciated. You rule. Now back to business. December was another down month, with some great bargains to be had. I know. I got one. But […]

eBay Watch: October 2006

Due to feedback on the column, this month I’m starting a “weird” auctions section, that features some of the more unusual items from the skateboards section of eBay. As always, this stuff is totally random; whatever catches my eye. I may miss some stuff that goes off, but hey, that’s life. If you guys see […]

eBay Watch: September 2006

Thanks for all of the comments you guys are leaving on the Baywatch thingies. It’s great to know that people are even looking at these ramblings, let alone enjoying them! I’m wondering though, what do you think of the length of them? Too long? Not enough? Let me know your thoughts. Also, do you want […]