eBay Watch: September 2010

September was one of those months that although some good stuff went off, it wasn’t as impressive as July or August, so consequently I found it more of a chore to compose. I would do a bit, leave it, planning to come back in an hour, but not touch it again for a week. Some months really flow and some are difficult. Let’s leave it at that. Next month might be even more up in the air because I am going to England for a couple of weeks mid-month, and I don’t plan on taking a laptop.

eBay Watch: April 2010

Well, despite what I said last month, I was able to pull together a full and complete BayWatch for April 2010. It was a tough month though. I’m assuming lots of people owed on their taxes in April because almost all of the big-ticket decks available went unsold. Only a few decks went for over […]