Skate and Annoy Features

Bowling for Skateparks

Editor’s Note: Oh man, this really takes me back to when the web site had a much more limited, regional readership. This feature goes way back to the days of static HTML, but has since been imported the database for the same of posterity. The pictures are tiny because everyone had small screens and modems back in those days. iPads have higher resolution. The original publication date has been preserved in the post date. I almost didn’t port it to the new back end, but hey, it’s history, warts and all. About TOTS – I think that was an acronym for “The Old Timer’s Session” that used to meet at the now defunct Beaverton, Oregon vert ramp. Enjoy. K.ed – 3/5/14

TOTS team raises cash for Portland skate parks.

On April 6, 2002 The doors to the bowling alley opened at 9:00 AM (Yes that’s AM). The object was to raise $10,000 to help raise awareness and get an initiative on the ballot to set aside money for the Portland Parks District. If the initiative gets passed, Portland is supposed to get, among other things, two public skateparks. Participants were supposed to raise at least $100 bucks via pledges or donations. In return, we got free coffee, bowling shoes, and lanes, and possibly a skatepark or two…

TOTS member Troy Sliter took it upon himself to organize a team and step up to support our scene. Coincidentally, A huge demo was scheduled to go down at the Department of Skateboarding later that same day. Promises were made and donations were collected, mostly on the day before the event. Suprisingly, Bowl and Destroy did not get a warm reception as a team name.

Yeah, it was early. We got there and choked down some of the burnt water and sugar cookies that passed as breakfast. Introductions were made, and shoes were sported. Babies were passed around pins were knocked down. Local videogame skater and Burnside hero Pigppen was sighted, but not on our team.

The competition was fierce and the dork session even more so. Savier sponsored a team of lazy bowlers who didn’t have to bring any money, but don’t tell anyone I said that. Ironically, they left with the highest proportion of door prizes (Nike shoes, courtesy of Troy). That’s just a rumor.

By 11:30 or so everyone got sick of bowling. The empty lane next to the TOTS team erupted into a maniacal “practice” lane, often involving multiple balls and diving throws.

Those with small children hit the road before the crying bombs could go off. The rest of us grabbed lunch and went to check out the demo at the Department of Skateboarding. There were about 200 pros there but mostly we watched Lance Mountain and others in the bowl at the back. The locals were represented well.

Thanks to Troy for getting the team together and all those who raised cash. Bowl and destroy. The event raised about $7,000, of which almost $800 came from us. We were the second highest fundraisers, the highest if you disqulify Savier’s lump sum donation. Troy donated some brand new Santa Cruz wheels to the TOTS member with the highest dollar amount, even though we tried to get him to change it to the highest score. Does anyone rember who won?


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