Wintertime Solutions for Lack of Usable Concrete

Here at Skate and Annoy, we recognize that many of our readers, particularly in the Midwest, are facing a difficult time in the life of a skater: the preparation for winter. Many are squeezing sessions in before the snow, ice, or rain sets in. The winter alienates many riders who recognize snowboarding and snow skating, as […]

Sno Deck

Sno Deck is Sno fun.

Some enginerds have built a low cost version of an existing skateboard/snowmobile hybrid. It’s basically a skateboard with two tank treads replacing the truck assembly. Even though they might have even used drills to power it, it’s still a step above this, but lowering the cost also lowers the perofmance, as the Sno Deck seems […]

Pier Park in the rain


We thought we might be able sneak in a quick session at the end of the day. Local streets had dried up so we went for it. The closer we got, the wetter the windshield became. When we got there, a few kids were camped out in the pipe. More pics of this momentous session […]

Swanson Skate Meals-Fresh Frozen

Snow Crete?

Ok, so living in the Columbia River Gorge town of Hood River, Oregon isn’t exactly the best weather I’ve experienced so far for skateboarding. So yesterday I had a nice break from my office duties and decided to go skate the park.

Railz for snow skate skiing

Railz: Reliving 70’s Technology on Snow Instead of Ice.

Railz may look familiar to anyone who remembers Ice Blades from the late 70’s and 80’s. Another company called Zema made a version in the late 80’s and 90’s. This decade has even seen a few replacement trusses with two inline skating wheels instead of the ice skating blade, not to mention a host of […]