I forgot to publish this post in 2016, and now you can no longer purchases these pins from No Fit State. Hans Moleman looks tough. That Dragon has to be a reference to Steve Caballero.
The same folks behind the Bones Brigade series of Reaction figures are taking preorders for a Poochie figure, the infamous character on the Simpsons. It’s pretty cool if you know the history of the the character. In fact it’s right up Skate and Annoy’s alley, except for that pesky $55 price tag. How is it […]
Here are som 2021 additions to the the X-treme X-Mas ornaments collection, courtesy of Josh Baker (1-3) and Darren Haugen. Happy Holidays!
An excellent execution photographing Bart Simpson in the real world, skating a very real wall. As seen on the cover of the Portland Mercury a couple weeks ago. Embiggened after the jump.
This incredible Lego set (71006 – The Simpsons House) comes out in Februrary. Sure, it’s got Bart Simpson on a skateboard and a quarter pipe, but really this is just an excuse to post about Lego again. I just picked up the Everstorm robotic set, err.. for my kids. Haven’t had time to start it […]
An in store promo item for the Bart Simpsons Butterfinger campaign. Sure, it’s old, but Bart Simpson never goes out of style. It’s too bad that show went off the air… Wait? It’s still on? It’s too bad that show is still on the air. I actually haven’t watched it lately. It went through a […]
So what we have here is s little bit more than meets the eye. It’s not a Simpsons promotional item, but rather a generic workplace safety poster featuring licensed Simpsons characters. – Thanks to House of Neil for the photo.