Go Over Tough Wave

About a year and a half a go I was at KPub waiting to place an order for some very delicious Korean food when a video for an unknown (to me) Kpop band showed up on the TV screen on the wall near the counter. I assume it’s Kpop, maybe it’s Jpop or some other […]

Nameless, but not Skateless

There are famous examples of skate able transitioned walls in architecture that have appeared in skate photos over the year, but this new one from Nameless Architecture in Daejeon, South Korea takes it to a new level. Source: Dezeen. – Thanks to MC for the tip.


My Friend Jenny

My friend JeNny, [sic] a skateboarding “hip hop girl” circa 1999 from South Korea. Maybe it took a little longer for 90’s baggy jeans to make it to Korea. It’s only $19.99, but I don’t know about shipping it. The skateboard on the front of the box looks like a clown shoe. – Thanks to […]