TuneBug Shake is the name of this modern day adaptation of the Bone Fone. You plug this thing into your iPod, and then attach it to back of your helmet where it vibrates sound through the helmet while still allowing you to hear what is going on in your surroundings, at least until the first […]
See if you can figure out which one of the guys over at Bossco International skates. I can’t imagine how else they were inspired to cash in on the lucrative downhill sliding glove economy, and yes, I say that with tongue in cheek. Apparently these things didn’t sell to well, becasue they are only a […]
I’ve been collecting (pictures of) boards with beer graphics on them for a future gallery. I just found two boards from Deathwish that have taken logo appropriations a step further by actually making the boards in the shape of a bottle and a can. It was annoying trying to track these down. I didn’t follow […]
I thought there was already some downhill company making a titanium axle truck, but then again I’m not keeping track. These guys (What guys? Theeve Trucks) claim to have the first titanium axle trucks: Theeve has created the world’s first 6/4 Titanium axle truck. TiAX Titanium axles are 40% lighter and 2 times stronger than […]
I didn’t make any posts on Black Friday, but this works better for Cyber Monday since you might have a hard time finding this in an actual shop. So why not pick up this limited edition Skull and Candy Cane board that is not actually a Blind send up, but something the folks at Powell […]
Remember this shot of the week? The board that Jim Gray is riding in the picture, the Sidecut, has been reissued by G&S, but exactly who that entity is, that’s anyones guess. There appears to be an official web site, but the email contact gets bounced back. I’m pretty sure the G&S trademark has traded […]
Sure, the “Wild Things” movie was the top gross at the box office last weekend, but MC was into it before Spike Jonze. My wife refused to have her face shown in this picture. Get your shirt from Antigravity Press. Noticeably absent from the soundtrack, X and Tone Loc.
My daughter snapped this shot while visiting friends at Oregon State University. Looks like if you cabled two of the rungs together your trucks and wheels might keep someone from removing the board. Is this really a skate rack? I wonder if the thing fills up with longboards during class hours.
I haven’t seen this many band boards since Punk Rock Skateboards. Remember Punk Rock Skateboards? I mean, the company? They burned bright, and then disappeared. But I digress. DC Jam, home to skate rock bands of legend and today has a new venture called Backstage Skateboards. Check out the lineup: Narcoleptic Youth, JFA, BYO Records […]