
Smokin Joe Fake Eric Nash

This graphic is clearly stolen from the Sims Eric Nash Bandito deck from 1987. That Deathbox sticker is huge (And awkwardly placed.) I always liked the big Deathbox teapot as in my youth, but I thought it was more like an Aladdin lamp and missed the whole point. Anyway, I bet the guy here spent […]


Sims New Wave knockoff

Three Sims boards in different colorways? No, the middle one is a Speedent, copied from the Sims ‘New Wave’ team deck from 1981 by Bernie Tostenson. The legit Sims images are from (left) eBay Watch March 2010, and (right) February, 2011. The Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei turned up some history of Speedent: ‘Charles […]


Tom Sims died last week from a heart attack. My first snowboard was a Sims, because it was in the 80’s and quite frankly, there weren’t a lot of other choices out there. Sims put out some of my favorite skateboard graphics courtesy of Bernie Tostenson, so why would any self-respecting skater choose another brand? […]