sneeze - muska

Muska sneezed

Sneeze magazine has a short but interesting interview with Chad Muska about his first ever pro graphic, which came out on Toy Machine in 1995. It’s interesting from a historical skateboard personality perspective, but maybe more so because it touches on the business and shift from screen printing to heat transfers that was on the […]


Lucero Gold

John Lucero recently found the original screen from his first pro model on Madrid. It looks ready to pull! I’m surprised it’s to small but then again they could get away with it on those flat boards back then. – Thanks to Jodie at Empty Pools for the tip.

Screamin Inc

Another video about screen printing skateboards. This one not so much about technique, but more about philosophy. Screaming Inc, (I thought they used to be Screaming Squeegees) are undeniably the kings of screenprinted skateboards. If you doubt me, just take a look at anything rolling out of Pocket Pistols. I pull a decent squeegee, but […]


The last time I posted about Rekiem was in 2009. Not much has changed since then, they’re still screening the veneer before they press the boards, which is about a million times easier, but that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Keep making videos about pressing and screening skateboards and I’ll keep posting them. Looks […]

Screen printing is amazing

I’ve never heard Zarosh talk, so at first I thought the voiceover was actually him, but it isn’t. This video is the best. All instructional videos should be like this, even though it isn’t very instructional. Still, I gleaned a few things after watching it. Looks like Zarosh is usining the exact same exposure unit […]

For Sale: Skateboard screens

Four screens used for printing skateboards, stretched with 225 count nylon mesh at 10 Newtons. The screen in the picture was actually used to make the board on the left. These things cost $55 new, I am selling them for $30 a piece or four for $100. They are all in very good condition. I’m […]

Excitable boy

I got so excited that I had time to finish the last of the boards on Monday that I exposed the screen backwards, so I had to stick some risers in and mount it upside down. I spent too much time last night editing Egbert’s photos from his road trip, and so there is no […]

Back in business

I usually frown on taking care of personal business in public on this web site (I’m looking at you Neil!) but hey, it is my site after all, and I’m excited to be back in the business of screenprinting skateboards.

Platypus and Cachagua Land

Zarosh Eggleston is busy building his own little skatopia called Cachagua Land on hill top in California. Helping to fund it along the way, hand screened Platipuss skateboards from the multitalented artist himself. I saw this DIY concrete extravaganza in a video before. I can’t recall what it was in though, maybe Strange Notes? Spend […]