GVK #65: MC’s 50th

Almost everyone we know likes Mark Conahan and would wish him a Happy Birthday, even if it is two weeks late. ALMOST everyone. Here’s some footage of a pre-rained out session at his own bowl dojo. It was one windy day gusting to 30mph, sticks and leaves were lethal objects. We braved the day and […]

MC in Thrasher - 1984

Sometimes it takes 25 years

I was perusing the back issues of Thrasher (yes, perusing…) when I found MC in the April, 1984 issue of Thrasher. It’s the Photograffiti section. It includes a paragraph where Mark (AKA Max Concave) talks about a ramp some surfers built here in Oregon, and laments about the lack of initiative shown by skaters. Well, […]

Putting tile on a DIY bowl

Are we there yet?

I got a lot of positive response from the time lapse of MC’s bowl pour, and one suggestion to bring it up to date with some actual skating. Well kids, the skating inside the bowl has been put on hold now that the tile is in mid process. Actually, the coping has go on before […]