
McDonalds Skateboard Club

Join the McDonalds skateboard club! The age of this shirt is unknown, but the style and fashion says 80’s to me. The seller claims this was sold in a Sears store, which seems highly unlikely, or at least unusual. I can’t ever remember seeing fast food branded clothing sold at a department store.


Milk, Milk, Lmnade

LMNADE is a design-driven lifestyle brand specializing in fashion and hard good products that focuses on vintage beach/boardwalk culture. “Roll, Bounce, Skate.” – The Lmnade brand is aimed at young women who want to roller-skate, skateboard, and bounce? They actually have a couple of cool novelty boards and some cruisers, plus roller skirts. To promote […]


Extreme Brain Freeze

For fun it’s a wonderful toy It walks downnstairs Alone or in pairs And makes a Slinkaty sound A Spring A Spring A marvelous thing Everyone knows it’s…. Everyone knows it’s “Slinky” and not “Slurpee.” Spotted at a local 7-11, Mountain Dew and Slurpee X-treme cross marketing.


Bugle Boy Jeans

This is a Bugle Boy hang tag from 1989 that doubles as a postcard on the back. You know, in case you’re shopping and want to share the experience with a friend or loved one in a different part of the country. “Dear Mom, I’ve got my socks pulled up over my Bugle Boy Jeans […]


Has non-working wheels

Display prop from Hollister Clothing, complete with backwards trucks and fake board slide marks: This skateboard was used as a prop in a Hollister clothing store. My husband got to take it home when the store closed. Has non-working wheels attached. Apparently has never been used, but was made to look worn on the bottom. […]



Nothing says “Ovaltine” like a skateboard, ruler and a small mystery box, at least in Japan. Actually I’m guessing that is Japanese, so readers, help me out here please. It seems the only sport not being enjoyed by the cartoon Ovaltine kids is skateboarding. No date on the package.


Hard day at the office

I’m not one to encourage pushishing corporate sugar water on anyone but this video has some good footage. The best part is they had to hire extras to pretend to be mostly convincing office workers, at least until you get to the 2:00 minute mark. Photos here, and here, video after the jump. Hello Chicago!


Hey Kool-Aid!

Kool Aid man celebrating Thanksgiving in the Macy’s parade. Photos that weren’t taken with a cell phone pointed at the TV and a little video after the jump. Happy Thanksgiving.


Send radness over email

Or your cell phone, I guess. PayPal background graphics that MC found. I should try and get these guys to sponsor Ebay Watch.