
Every pool in Los Angeles

Gizmodo reports on a project from tow MIT researchers called The Big Atlas of LA Pools. It is exactly what it sounds like, a catalog of every single pool, in the Los Angeles basin. It took 74 books and about 6000 pages to show all 43,123 pools with related data, like area, dimensions, water evaporation, […]

L.A. Bans the Bomb

L.A. is going to ban bombing hills after two recent deaths. This is also bad news for Portland skaters fighting a similar ban in the Zoo Bomb neighborhood, although the ban isn’t an outright skateboard ban. They just want skateboarders to observe the traffic laws like stop signs and speed limits. Really, you can’t blame […]

Tony Hawk Foundation Stand Up for Skateparks

Hawk throws down 900 for Stand Up

This year’s Stand up For Skateparks benefit for the Tony Hawk Foundations saw skate action from Bucky Lasek, Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Andy Macdonald, Lincoln Ueda, and Kevin Staab. Old man Hawk even landed a 900 himself. The event raised a total of 775,000 dollars to support the Tony Hawk Foundation, including $43,500 in pledges for a […]