Stephanie is a Fellow

Congratulation to friend of the site Stephanie Murdock, who was just was named a Baltimore Community Fellow, an award that comes with a hefty grant that she plans on using to help raise more money for Skatepark of Baltimore. This is an interesting twist on skatepark fundraising, based on her plans to develop a new […]

The quality goes… errrr, uh…

I found this video linked from Miami skaters just avoided a near disaster with an RFP for a new skatepark that was being railroaded in. There was a mandatory prefab clause and a semi-secret last minute proposal deadline that ruled out all but Spohn Ranch and American Ramp Company. Skateparks bids get rigged all […]

They’re gonna need a book

If the current crop of serious artists who also happen to be skaters continues grow, the art historians are going to have to invent a new term for this type of art. Is there a term for postmodern examination of a specific act and the related, revered artifact, shared by one large tribe? (Feel free […]

Frankie Hill is True and/or Diabolical

True Skateboard Magazine has a short but interesting interview with old Bones Brigade member Frankie Hill. He’s got a model coming out on Unity skateboards, who have also welcomed Ron Allen to the team. Then again, it looks like he’s got a model with Diabolical [via Skatebook] as well. I’ve never heard of True before, […]

GVK #59: Mt Trashmore Vert Ramp

Alright this is the second in a row – VERT is back. When I was in my skate hay-day I would spend part of the summers in Virginia Beach. There were about 6 city ramps in that town in the mid-80’s. Mt. Trashmore was the tallest and the first. I heard FUD (a.k.a. John Fudala) […]

New Bailgun and Born Ugly

Two B-zines on the A-list. Born Ugly hits issue 7. Iove this zine/scene. too much metal for my personal tastes but the fun is so pervasive that I’m ready to roll with it, if not Rawk and Roll with it. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the globe, Bailgun hits issue #11, and it’s a […]

Free Northport Skatepark

It can be a bit jarring when you leave the friendly confines of the Pacific Northwest and you want to visit a skatepark in another state. All of the sudden you have to worry about whether or not it’s going to be open during school hours and how much it might cost you. The city […]

Skate or Die, just not next to each other in Miami

Hey, we’re famous! Or at least we got mentioned in the Miami Dade Herald. Family members of relatives buried in the Miami City Cemetery are upset about the skatepark slated to be built next door, and it’s at this point that you can insert a noise violation joke about waking the dead. The article mentions […]

Tommy K Memorial Jam in Virginia

From the organizers: The past two years people of Williamsburg have started a tradition of Tommy Karafa Skate Day. This is a yearly skate contest to honor our friend and neighbor Tommy Karafa who passed in a tragic car accident two years ago in Williamsburg, VA. This contest is to serve as a remembrance of […]