The auction for Jill’s skateboard adventure accessory set for your Charlie’s Angel doll has been removed but luckily for you (or unluckily, as the case may may be…) I requested a bigger version of the picture before it was pulled. Unfortunately, it’s got a gnarly hot spot from the flash. So yes, doll clothes on […]
A long time ago, Barbie had a sister named Skipper, and Skipper had a friend named Fluff. With a name like Fluff, I thought she was an aftermarket, third party friend, but I looked it up. Fluff came packaged as “Living Fluff,” complete with a skateboard. For some reason, every time she shows up for […]
Today is my birthday. Over the weekend my wife put together a little surprise get together a bar I like called Vendetta in NE Portland. GVK brought me this weird-ass doll on a skateboard that he picked up for the occasion at Goodwill. Some disturbed child drew on her face, making her look like a… […]
I haven’t uploaded any commercials in a while, among other things. I’m so far behind and there are so many occurrences of skateboards in commercials these days that I’m going to gang a few together each time we post. This installment features 5 Hour Energy Drink, Kohls department store, Kashi cereal, Axe deoderant, and LIV […]
I don’t know about you, but I always had Ken pegged as more of the rollerblade type. Vintage 1993 Cool Times Ken outfit with skateboard accessory on sale now for a cool $36.99. “Skateboardin’ fashion and skateboard!” Ken is all mixed up. It’s 1993, and he’s sporting mid-80’s skateboard fashion and mid-70’s skateboard technology. I […]
I’m struggling for references here. Everyone knows Petty’s Free Fallin’ video features a girl skateboarding. Well, he also has a song called American Girl, and this is, uh, an
Someone over at Robot Chicken skates or used to skate. Check out the celebrity voice talent used for the main character. If you can’t figure it out, there’s a blatant clue in the dialog. Also worth noting are the haircuts on the stop action dolls, the mock Dead Kennedys logo on one shirt, and the […]