Nissan Qashqai Commercial

Car as Skateboard Part 2: Nissan Qashqai Commercial

Looks like it’s a video post kind of day. This is probably the best car-as-skateboard, ahem, in-car-nation I’ve ever seen. Check out this spot for the Nissan Qashqai. “WTF is a Qashqai?” you ask? Well its a Turkic-speaking tribal confederation of clans in Iran. I guess that explains why they don’t sell it in the […]

Tony Hawk in Jeep - Sirius commercial

Are you Sirius? (or Jeep?)

Siriusly (har har) I can’t tell if this is a commercial for Jeep or Sirius Satellite Radio. The gist of it is if you buy some kind of Jeep they throw in the Sirius service for free. It’s a mildly amusing commercial. If anyone still needs it, it’s proof that skateboarding has been assimilated into […]


Cars on Half Pipes?

If you’ve ever owned or frequented a backyard ramp you’ve probably seen the attempts to ride the neighborhood gas powered scooter or small cc dirt bike on a half pipe before. It usually ends in a lot of pain or hole in the ramp. Somewhere there’s a guy in a cube getting paid to send […]