
Brazillian DIY

This is a sort of similar setup to Jocelyn’s concrete driveway miniramp, only this DIY project can be found somewhere in Brazil. – Thanks to Luciano for the tip.


Eu não entendo

Skateboard documentaries are a dime a dozen these days. We’ve seen Dogtown, New York, the UK, Rocco, Duane Peters, pool skating, and many others. What’s missing? Brazil, I guess. Near as I can tell, there’s a pretty slick looking film coming out that documents the scene in Brasil form the 70’s through today. I have […]


Lets get daffy

Bugs bunny used always call everyone a “maroon” in those old Looney Tunes cartoons. It might be an intentional mispronunciation of moron, and less likely to be the other definition, a loud signaling firework, or the descendants of escaped slaves living in a certain part of the West Indies. So, speaking of Bugs, what about […]

mega-tna bob burnquist and jake brown dance with carnaval girls

Friday T&A on S&A: The Burnquist Samba

From the sketchy translation I got, this was at some mega ramp event that ended a week long celebration the history of skateboarding in Brazil, or not. For our purposes, it’s Bob Burnquist and Jake Brown (back turned) dancing with some socially and culturally acceptable scantily clad Carnaval-type gals on the mega ramp in Brazil, […]